View Full Version : Sweating at night

06-04-14, 15:29
Lately it seems that I always sweat once a night. I'm not drenched in sweat from head to toe or anything but I will wake up in the middle of the night and my shirt feels damp. I've had blood tests and my hormones checked recently and everything was fine, so I would think that would rule out something serious? Still, it is somewhat disconcerting.

06-04-14, 18:27
Are you on any medications?

Previously when I was on just citalopram, I would wake up once every now and then and be really sweaty, in particular my chest, neck and where my arms bend. Now I'm also on Atenalol and it's every night almost all over :(

I don't feel particularly hot when I wake either.

07-04-14, 04:23
Hi Abi-Skinner. No I'm not on any medications, just supplements.

07-04-14, 04:39
Hello, kevina74 and Abi-Skinner! Please, please, if you find ANYTHING that seems to help, kindly post! Ugggggghhhhh! It doesn't wake me up, thankfully, and as you say, I'm not particularly hot and neither is the room, but it is annoying to have to shower before my morning coffee! Lol! ... Marie (many thanks!)

07-04-14, 06:21
You sweat a lot more when you are suffering from anxiety, loads more adrenaline and you're going to sweat to get the extra moisture out...part of fight or flight I believe. After a time with anxiety, your sweats odour can even change, it's bizarre!

Are the supplements like to cause this?

07-04-14, 19:56
I have found in the past, the more my anxiety settles the less it happens.
At the moment it's just happening every night because of the Atenolol.
I find sleeping with a lighter duvet and swapping my winter pj's for a vest has helped in the past too :)

08-04-14, 00:32
What's the humidity? I sweat more when it's humid. Because your sweat can't evaporate in order to cool you down so it stays on your skin.

09-04-14, 13:44
It could easily be an anxiety symptom, and worrying about it could be making it worse. I find I get up feeling really sweaty in the mornings and can even feel the hot flushes when I think of a stressful or scary thought, so try not to worry too much :)

blue moon
09-04-14, 13:53
Hi. I sleep with aircon on 18c it is very humid and hot here and still perspire.I know it is being anxious and my meds,

Petra x:D