View Full Version : Heart worry

06-04-14, 17:11
Hi I am male 29 years old always worried about my heart due to chest pains which I get everyday I have seen a cadiolagist who has said everything is fine with my heart I have had 3 ECGs, stress test, echocardiogram, 24 hour moniter , blood tests everything. But the problem is since then it seems like I am getting worse I get chest pain everyday pain from crushing pain to sharpe pain all types of pains I get in my chest I get pains in left arm it's spreads to my neck my back, jaw, lightheaded , even get stomach pains as well. Even tho I have had all the test I still worry about my heart because the pains I get are that bad I was just wondering if anyone else has these problems ? I keep trying to tell myself it's anxiety related but I am just having a hard time trying to accept that's what it is due to the pains being very strong!

06-04-14, 18:22
Hi Razza, I have anxiety over my heart too. You have had an awful lot of tests. I have had ecgs, 24 hour monitor and bloods taken cause I get a lot of palpitations/weird beats. Seems the docs have tested you to the full. Anxiety does weird things to your body. If you are worried, all you can do is go back to your docs but it seems to me, they have done all the tests so looks like anxiety

06-04-14, 19:17
As you have stomach pains it sounds like acid reflux.

I have reflux and the accompanying chest pains can be relentless sometimes.

06-04-14, 22:51
Wow, thats awesome that you had all those tests done to clear that up. I've only had a few ecg's. I would have to agree, it really does sound like acid reflux. I used to have horrible feelings that had me completely convinced I was having heart attacks (and I work on a trauma recovery unit in a hospital, I've seen people with true heart arrhythmias and problems).

Try not eating for three hours before you go to bed, and maybe try to elevate the head of the bed, and cut back on spicy foods. It truly does help, and its amazing what just stomach acid can do to you. I would listen to your doctors though, thats an extensive amount of testing you had done, they definitely would have found something if there was anything to find.

06-04-14, 23:45
Thanks for the replys people, yeah I do have acid reflux as well which doesn't help but it's the pains I get in my arm and short of breath that makes me think how can it just be acid reflux, I need to keep telling myself that's all it is as well as anxiety but it's so hard because the pains are everyday.

06-04-14, 23:56
What you posted can be echoed by many here. Tests galore and nothing that would indicate heart issues. I can tell you first hand from experience as one who has heart issues and recently acid reflux issues that indeed, acid reflux does mimic heart issues but if testing shows otherwise, you have to start to trust what the medical professionals are saying. If you're not currently on a PPI, perhaps you should speak with your doctor about it. I was taking a Zantac 150 2x a day and eating antacids daily. Since I went on a new med, I haven't so much as needed a tums for weeks ;)

Positive thoughts

07-04-14, 05:20
This is exactly why I'm here tonight... I have health anxiety related to cancer (I don't have it, I'm just afraid of it), but lately my anxiety has led to an awful assortment of pains in my chest. And then I become anxious about my heart, or other worst-case-scenario reasons I might have pain in my chest cavity.

In fact, last week I ended up in the ER because of chest pains, which I eventually decided were anxiety-related. Tonight I'm dealing with pain in my chest yet again, which keeps making me anxious about how anxiety is damaging my heart. It's a vicious cycle.

There can't be a more compelling reason to deal with anxiety once and for all, than the fact that stress works against us, while peace and joy actually strengthen the immune system! :)

07-04-14, 11:17
I get pains in my arm and shortness of breath, also from the reflux.

It's common.