View Full Version : Affordable Care Act! Obomacare! No Doctors Are Taking The Plans!

06-04-14, 18:58
I do not know even where to begin. I did so much research to obtain Health Insurance from Healthcare.gov that I could probably be an expert in it. Apparently I am not because I must have made a fatal mistake by going with BCBS HMO.

Problem – 01

Absolutely no Doctors are taking this insurance. I call the Health Insurance on my card and call the Doctors office and both are saying that I am screwed. I call BCBS and they say go online and check and also call in to see if Doctor is in Network. I go online see a Doctor call in and make sure with BCBS and call the Doctors office and low and behold the Doctor says they are not in network.

Also I went to the Doctor under a certain hospital to get my back looked at and ended up needing some x-rays he made me get x-rays from the same hospital he works for and the x-ray department is not within network.

I am trying to find an orthopedic doctor to go to but literally and I am not joking every doctor I call say they are not taking the affordable health care insurance. Does not matter if they are on the preferred list or not they say that list isn’t updated yet.

Looks like my life is over.

Problem – 02

I found one hospital that might take Humana POS that is offered from healthcare.gov but I already have BCBS. I talked to one of the reps on healthcare.gov and they say this will be a colossal mess. They will have to change my insurance to another provider and all kinds of taxes and deductions will get mixed up. I cannot afford BCBS sending me a bill for the difference of what I did not pay in tax credit.


I am unsure of what to do. I got the best BCBS plan you can get but nobody will take it. If I switch it will be a colossal nightmare. If I break my leg my life is over. I mean this stuff is still expensive even though it is from the exchange.

Please help me because I am sinking into a depression and I do not know if I can pull myself out of this one. This is all just too much.


Catherine S
06-04-14, 19:06
The British National Health Service has its problems but being ill in America must be a nightmare!

06-04-14, 19:20

Latest problem. I go to the directory list under my plan and choose a Doctor. I call the Doctor on the List and they said they are no longer participating in that plan. They say that BCBS directory is out of date and refuse to see me.

I do not know what to do. I need to see someone for my back but no one will accept the plan that I have.

I have the best HMO plan that healthcare.gov offers but it seems worthless because nobody takes it. How do you make a Law saying you have to have insurance but no one is taking it? I call my insurance provider and they do not know what to do. They say the Doctor is the ultimate one that is in charge of whether they will take the policy or not even if BCBS say that it is in network.

Help …

06-04-14, 20:07
Sounds really complicated but I'm afraid I don't understand the US health system so can't be much help to you. Hope you manage to work it out though.

29-05-14, 20:12
I finally got it all figured out and it is really not all that bad ...

29-05-14, 20:27
Well done.

You see we complain about the NHS...but as least it's FREE!

29-05-14, 20:53
NHS isn't strictly free, we pay National Insurance.

But, obviously, it's better that way then to pay to see a doctor.

29-05-14, 22:51
Well done.

You see we complain about the NHS...but as least it's FREE!


NHS isn't strictly free, we pay National Insurance.

But, obviously, it's better that way then to pay to see a doctor.

Yes it is not a bad deal. I still pay a lot a month be it is still way cheaper if I had to pay the full amount.

06-06-14, 19:44

Ok I am not sure if this helps or not, but I no longer have the weird feeling in my left torso, that is gone.

The only feeling that I have left is the weird sensation right on the left side of my nose and possibly sometimes below my left eye.

It comes and go.

If I put an eye patch on my left eye I do not feel the sensation. So I am thinking it is eye strain or that it is just pressure from the patch distracting the other sensation.

I just went for a walk and I really didn’t feel it. So I think it might only come when I look down at the computer screen or watch TV.

I mean how are you suppose to know when you need glasses? I mean I can still read the words but is it just harder for me to do so now?

I recently moved a very heavy flat screen and put it on my shoulder/back, have been studying a lot by looking down and on the computer, and have been watching TV until like 4 in the morning sometimes.

I think this might be related to my Shoulders or middle back or upper neck but I am not sure. Can a pinched nerve affect facial muscles?