View Full Version : Middle of the night! Dead Forearm! Thought it was it…

06-04-14, 19:16
I recently went rock climbing and blew out my forearms really quick. Faster than most people I would think. Sometimes I wonder about the pro hormones I use to take has messed me up bad, like weaker than I really am or something because I have been off them for over a year. I just feel really weak that is all but I am actually not though. I have had so any blood tests done and everything has come back perfect except for elevated IGA which my Doctor says is nothing.

Anyway. I worked out at the gym a few days after rock climbing and blew out my forearms again because I want to make them stronger. Then I took a few days off. One night about a week after rock climbing I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

I tried to lift up the toilet seat and it fell of my fingers of my left arm. I blew it off because I was tired and use my right arm. Then when I started to go back to bed it dawned on me that was weird about my left arm. I did not have any pins or needles sensation meaning it was asleep it was just blown. I could grip a little bit but could barely turn the water on to wash my hands.

In any case I went to a couch and lifted it up an inch with my right hand and it check out but when I did my left I couldn’t even grip it. I thought I was going to have a heart attack because my left arm was dead. So I went to the bathroom and got out my blood pressure machine and while I was getting it ready my heart started to pound like it was coming out of my chest. All I know was that I thought for a second that was it and I was going to be found their lying on the bathroom floor.

My fight or flight must have taken over because I began to take huge deep breaths and began to calm down after about 10 to 15 seconds. My blood pressure and pulse was off the chain for a few minutes but then finally went back to normal.

I tried walking around and sitting on the couch for an hour but was still nervous. Tried lifting the couch with my left arm but it was gone. I finally went to bed again because I was so tried at that point. Woke up and could lift up the couth with my left arm. It hurt near the elbow area but I could do it. I ice it for a while and it felt much better and it is pretty much perfectly normal right now.

In any case I have told all this and all my ailments to all of my Doctors and they keep looking at me like I am an idiot. One Doctor finally prescribed me anti-depressant but I do not want to take it and become reliant on it.

I just don’t know what to do …

06-04-14, 19:25
Sounds like a trapped nerve. I did that several years back and lost about 80% strength in one arm.

When you realised it, it sounds like you then had a panic attack about it.

06-04-14, 19:30
Sounds like a trapped nerve. I did that several years back and lost about 80% strength in one arm.

When you realised it, it sounds like you then had a panic attack about it.

It is amazing how things like that can be so simple but yet we can act so crazy about it.

06-04-14, 19:43
You don't have to have pins and needles to have a "dead arm" from sleeping on it funny. Can't tell you how many times that's happened to me. That combined with extreme muscle use is pretty common. The fact that it was fine when you woke up absolves anything sinister.

As far as what to do? Treating the anxiety behind it would be a positive first step ;)

Positive thoughts

29-05-14, 20:15
Bump ...

29-05-14, 21:25
Can I ask why you are bumping this up?

29-05-14, 22:50
Can I ask why you are bumping this up?

I apologize. I did it to quickly, I thought it was another thread of mine. My apologies.

06-06-14, 19:43

Ok I am not sure if this helps or not, but I no longer have the weird feeling in my left torso, that is gone.

The only feeling that I have left is the weird sensation right on the left side of my nose and possibly sometimes below my left eye.

It comes and go.

If I put an eye patch on my left eye I do not feel the sensation. So I am thinking it is eye strain or that it is just pressure from the patch distracting the other sensation.

I just went for a walk and I really didn’t feel it. So I think it might only come when I look down at the computer screen or watch TV.

I mean how are you suppose to know when you need glasses? I mean I can still read the words but is it just harder for me to do so now?

I recently moved a very heavy flat screen and put it on my shoulder/back, have been studying a lot by looking down and on the computer, and have been watching TV until like 4 in the morning sometimes.

I think this might be related to my Shoulders or middle back or upper neck but I am not sure. Can a pinched nerve affect facial muscles?