View Full Version : PLEASE HELP! This is taking over my life :(

06-04-14, 20:14
Hi guys,

I really am having a really tough time at the moment constantly up then majorly down I just wondered if anyone could help me reassure more etc.

Basically back in January I discovered a lump in my groin went straight to my gp who said she didn't think it was anything to be concerned about and that she would order a blood test and ultrasound just to give me peace of mind blood work was normal and the ultrasound showed a 0.9mm lymph node which I was told is nothing to worry about.

Now it's April and for the past two months I've been feeling a pressure in my groin like someone is pushing their thumb into it I didn't know what it was until today I found another lump lower down my groin which is slightly larger than the original one I also get tingling on the back of my knee and foot sort of like a vibration.

Now I think I feel a lump in my neck also writing crazy neck tension apart from this tho I don't have any other symptoms really apart from the usual anxiety symptoms it's just ruining my life I'm a 20 year old male and just want to be normal!

If anyone can help me out it would be much appreciated


06-04-14, 20:43
Hi there!
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this now. I understand you perfectly, I am also young and finding lumps in places I wished I hadn't!

Since it sounds like you have a found a new lump, and it is bothering you a lot, you should perhaps take another visit to the doctors and explain your concerns/symptoms.

Since you have had an all clear on your previous lump, I am sure everything is fine. However, if it is something that is bothering you a lot, it is always better to do something about it right?

Good luck! :D

06-04-14, 20:51
I'm sorry you're dealing with this. Maybe go back to the doc for some reassurance that the new lump is nothing to worry about. I find it's worse to do nothing than to do something. Let us know what you do, and feel good!

07-04-14, 03:20
Hey guys,

Thanks for your help so far :)

Still really struggling thought if put some frozen peas on my groin tonight as it was saw from my constant prodding fell asleep with them on and now I'm terrified as I've woken up and my clothes and bed sheets are drenched do you guys think this would have something to do with th peas ?


07-04-14, 04:52
I don't have an answer to your most recent question, MartMart22, but I just wanted to say I can sympathise with what you're going through. I'm getting new symptoms too, as well as dealing with anxiety.

It's not fun, but I'm finding that I feel the most peace of mind when I take all my concerns to the doctor. Whenever possible I get a second (and sometimes third) opinion, and I ask to see specialists as well.

Prevention and early detection are my goals. Besides being seen by doctors, I'm also changing my diet and lifestyle. Whenever I feel anxious about a specific illness, I research steps to help my body stay strong against it.

For instance, one of my recent fears was about melanoma, so I researched diet and lifestyle changes specifically relating to it. These sorts of things help me feel empowered, and reassured that I'm doing all I can. It also helps me feel more at peace about what I can and can't control.

Not that I've got my health anxiety under control all the time. Most of the time it's a pestering fear in the back of my mind, but once in a while it still tries to take over my mind, like tonight for instance. That's why I'm back here. But I have seen progress in my battle against health anxiety, and I wanted to encourage you as well, and say that there is hope. It might take work, but we *can* deal with our symptoms without being terrorized by them.

I hope you find the peace of mind you're looking for as you get to the bottom of these symptoms.