View Full Version : I feel so low and terrified

06-04-14, 20:38
I know I post on here a lot , so I won't be offended if you are all fed up of me lol ! But I just can't shake my lymphoma fears . I've had them for 26 months and I genuinely can't believe I'm still struggling with this .

It's taken over my life . I have itchy skin a lot and fatigue , the pain with alcohol ( my gp says I'm imaging ) and general fatigue .

No swollen nodes I just feel like I'm going out of my mind with this and have no one to talk to ! I appear so normal on the outside to my friends but I'm just crippled inside .

If I did have this disease god forbid what my chances are now .

I have went to my gp so many times with blood being taken and then it's all normal so nothing is followed up .

Anxiety is the worst thing in the world :(

06-04-14, 20:55
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I am going through the same thing, only I do feel a swollen lymph node on my neck and a few of my blood test scores were out of the normal range. Of course, I had a terrible upper respiratory infection about 6 weeks go, so that might have caused the problems, but I know how you feel. I just can't shake the fear of lymphoma. If your blood work was good, then it's highly unlikely you have lymphoma. Anxiety stinks.

06-04-14, 21:38
Gemma, I feel for you. I am suffering with terrible anxiety at the moment & I've convinced myself I have MS. It's my every breathing thought and it's consuming me. I totally understand why you feel low.

Anxiety is awful. I was saying tine to my fiancé earlier. Can you do something to help you relax? I exercised on my bike and had a bath, it helped.

Hope you feel better soon, if your dr thinks you are, you are. (I wish I could tell myself that!)

06-04-14, 21:42
Thanks for the replies guys. It makes me feel better to know I'm not alone ! I might try excerising daisy ! I could do with using a few pounds lol . I just wish I could get on with daily life without thinking I'm going to be consumed by this illness in a few months . Then fast forward to those few months I'm still here , feeling ok and massively regretting wasting my life away !

I hope you both feel better soon also ! I really wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy !