View Full Version : So annoyed!!

06-04-14, 21:07
Just needed to vent....cheeky ***hole private messaged me to tell me I'm going the wrong way about treating my anxiety with medication because I'm covering up my problems. So annoyed that someone would even bother to say something like this to someone who is starting to get better!! I thought most anxiety sufferers had empathy...

It's fab if you can get back to normal without meds, but personally I think that sometimes...you just need that boost than enables you to start living your life again which then in turn kicks the rest of the anxiety's a*rse!!

06-04-14, 21:10
Don't feel guilty about taking meds ,they help you get through tough times.Sometimes we need a bit of help

06-04-14, 21:11
I totally agree! I don't feel guilty at all...I'm not going to be like this forever and even if I was...so what..aslong as I'm well. I'm just cross that 'an anxiety sufferer' themselves would feel the need to try make someone feel like crap because of it!

06-04-14, 21:19
Hi hun its nobody's business but yours omg if only it was that easy nobody would be on meds im on propranaol and sert because I can't do it without take no notice love carry on doing what's best for you xx. :hugs:

06-04-14, 21:29
I know, totally hun. I wish I could of got myself over this big bump in my life on my own...thats the idealistic way that EVERYONE wants. Peoples issues and reasons for becoming anxious or depressed are all too complex to have a 1 way fits all approach. Fair enough if you actually have an opinion generally that medication isn't your idea of getting better...but find it shocking that someone would feel the need to actually express to me in a private message that I'm handling my life in the wrong way...keep it to your bloody self and mingle with other people that agree... xxx

06-04-14, 21:41
Well said love obviously they can manage and good luck to them but leave your opinion to yourself who ever you are ,Xrachykinsx you will get there no matter how you do it :hugs: xx

06-04-14, 21:45
Thanks babe. I do hope so :) I'm doing everything I should be... just takes a bit of time and patience xxx:hugs:

07-04-14, 00:59
Hi rachykins, it can feel so frustrating and difficult at times but you'll get there :D
That person should have been more empathetic, we're here on NMP to support each other after all :) not criticise :doh:
Im taking sertraline and it helps so much :) meds can really help us, we're all only human after all :)
Its great your starting to feel better :)

Best wishes :hugs:

07-04-14, 06:25
It's ridiculous to say that anyway as anxiety disorders are so diverse that there is no one way to do it.

There are some that believe SSRI/SRNI's are plasters but sometimes we need them as the level of anxiety is just too intense to make sense of therapy.

Then there are some that are trying to sell cures who are very anti medication so if you suspect that on here, send it to the mods.