View Full Version : will cit help me

06-04-14, 22:02
Hi been on here before when I started cit back in Jan, 20mg but felt terrible on it so doc gave me 10mg tabs but I decided I would tough it out and try mind over matter as I'm not to bad in the summer. But its not working. My other concern over cit is I like a beer and don't want impact on my life the few escapes I have. Couldr cit help me and could I have a drink on 10 mgs.

07-04-14, 08:09
Short answer is yes, it is likely to help. It takes some time to get used to, but it works. In terms of alcohol, I have always liked a drink and continue to have one without major worries.

The thing I have found is that I no longer really want to drink. I don't need it and I say that as someone who never thought they needed to drink. The difference is really noticeable though, I appear to have been self medicating my anxiety with alcohol for years unwittingly.

I now have a beer as I fancy one for the flavour rather than needing one to unwind. I would take it slow though and test the effects, it has definitely altered the experience for me and a a result I drink far less, Cit lowers inhibitions, so does alcohol so things I'll affect you quicker.

07-04-14, 16:53
thanks for reply, i dont really drink that miuch now im 46 but like to have a few at football and down the pub quiz etc. it was i have held back because i did not want cit to take away the few good things i enjoy.

cheers (no pun intended)