View Full Version : appendicitis, am I being silly?

06-04-14, 22:54
Hi everyone.

I'm very worried but don't know if I'm being silly or not. Its very hard to tell sometimes wether I'm being paranoid or there could be something to it.

I had a bad upset stomach earlier, terrible grumbling etc. Now I'm getting intermittent niggly pain around my belly button/ right hand side. I know this is where it starts and NHS it may initially come and go.

When I lifted my leg up to my knee my stomach hurt. I have read this is a test for appendicitis. I am extremely frightened and I am starting to hyperventilate through panic.

Am I being stupid?

06-04-14, 23:04
As I said to the person who asked something similar yesterday, speak to NHS Direct and follow their advice. It's almost certainly something completely innocent but appendicitis isn't something you can mess about with as it's one of those where if caught on time it's easily rectified but if left too long can have complications. Be guided by the professionals, they see appendicitis ever week and know what they're doing. :)

06-04-14, 23:15
The problem with ringing NHS direct is if they advise me to somebody there is no way of me getting to an out of hours GP.

---------- Post added at 23:15 ---------- Previous post was at 23:07 ----------

I have only just started regaining my family back as I alienated them all through my worst patch of HA. They would absolutely rip me to pieces if there was an ambulance sent out for no reason. The last paramedics who came out to me were horrible to me and have definitely put me off phoning for help if not sure.

06-04-14, 23:28
Only a medical professional can diagnose but the chances are you can atrribute this to your earlier upset stomach. Appendicitis is not typically a niggling off and on pain and there are other symptoms that occur with it.

Positive thoughts

06-04-14, 23:29
Roxy, as a fellow sufferer I promise you I understand this isn't what you want to hear, but nobody on here can say "no you haven't got x, y, or z". You probably haven't, as most causes of abdominal pain are totally harmless, e.g. It could well be IBS from anxiety. However only you know how you feel and if you think you have cause to be concerned do ask someone who's trained to assess these things.

My advice would be tell whoever's at home with you how you're feeling, tell them you think it's nothing but you want to ask someone just in case. Don't mention appendicitis. If the nurse at NHS Direct thinks you warrant being seen to, whoever's with you would fully understand this as you've just followed a totally rational course of action.

If you tell your family you think you've got appendicitis they'd think you're catastrophising, and they'd be right. You probably haven't. Don't try and diagnose yourself negatively or positively, ask the experts. :)

07-04-14, 13:19
Hi. I would just like to say thank you both for being very nice to me! I have woken up this morning, still here (yay) and okay (I think lol).

I still have a mild mild discomfort on and off, but its going to left side now, and in no way is it the severe pain that rationally I know accompanies appendicitis, and gallstones/pancreatitis that I decided I had for a few moments too.

As someone who used to hate going to the doctors with a passion I find having HA a very strange experience. My phrase used to be: "If my arm was hanging off I'd have a good go at stitching it back on myself before I'd see a doctor" , and to go from this to visiting a doctor 4 times a week is a huge difference.

I used to be able to fully rationalise serious pain from normal everyday aches/pains but I've seemed to have lost that ability now. I am trying very hard to get back to being able to do that, and that includes not relying on GPs, Dr Google or NHS etc. It's very difficult sometimes to sit back and not seek medical help when you believe you will die in the next few hours lol, but I believe its something that I need to do to gain some normality back in my life.

I am very happy to say I have not visited a GP since January, a massive step forward in my recovery as last year you could not get me out of there! I do have occasional panics and worries, but thankfully these are becoming isolated incidents. Most of the week I feel almost 'normal'.

Anyway, I just wanted to say for being very nice and patient with me! :)