View Full Version : First post-Can you help me?

07-04-14, 00:13
Hello there, it's my first post here, I just registered.
I'm more just here for confirmation than anything, I do not want to self diagnose myself from reading things so if any of you feel the same as me then I know. I do not want to go to the doctors because I will feel like I'm wasting their time.

Basically, I smoked weed a few times last year, the last time resulting in a panic attack, blurred vision, no depth perception, trailing of my vision, the worst feelings in my life etc etc.
After this, my vision would randomly go weird, this happened for a month or two afterwards maybe a few times a week. Colours would become more vivid, and I would feel in an almost dream or video game like state for a minute or two, also a tad lightheaded. It went for a few months, but this week it's back, and rather than google not solving anytbing, I thought it register here and see what you guys have to say.

It's happened about 5-6 times today, lasting about 15 seconds where my vision is vivid and focused but sort of foggy(?) and dream like. I feel panicky when it happens, and again also lightheaded.

I have read that the THC chemical in Cannabis could have triggered underlaying anxiety that was locked up until then?

Thank you to anyone that reads this, I understand that 99% of you are in a much worse state than me so I am grateful.



07-04-14, 01:37
You've heard of Fight or Flight, correct?
It does sound to me that this is anxiety. Because you didn't have these issues until you had panic attacks whilst smoking the weed.

The panic attack probably felt awful and you mentally grabbed on to the symptoms and/or how it made you feel.. So it sounds like in times of stress/anxiety, when you're in an anxious state, you're subconscious is constantly waiting for those symptoms again.

Honestly, though.. Enhanced sight and everything that you are describing.. Sounds like an adrenaline rush/anxiety. They call it Fight or Flight for a reason. Your body begins to get ready to do either.. As in, sometimes people have been able to lift cars off of people in dire situations when the adrenaline is really pumping..

Adrenaline can cause everything from increased focus, enhanced vision, obsessive thinking, strength, rapid breathing, etc etc.

It sounds like normal adrenaline being pumped because you're stressed and/or anxious and you're hyperfocusing on the symptoms that come along with it.

It's perfectly normal. It might SEEM scary or dangerous in some way, but it's really just your body preparing you for what IT might interpret as a critical situation. This is what anxiety is, although not as necessary in todays day and age.

I honestly wouldnt worry about it. Worst thing you can do is obsess or worry about it, that could potentially turn it into an anxiety disorder.. Honestly, my best advice to you is to just ignore the symptoms and move on.

07-04-14, 01:45
Thank you for your reply. Yeah I've heard of that, and I do agree to some extent but it's usually not happening when I'm actually panicking or excited or whatever, it's just out of the blue when I'm just sat down or shopping or whatever.
I panic when it happens, but I guess I should just get over it like I did a few months ago.
I'm a bit stressed lately so maybe that's what's causing it.
I just wanted to have an opinion,

Thanks very much!

07-04-14, 01:50
Absolutely. I promise you, it's just a symptom of an anxious mind. You don't HAVE to be in the midst of panic or anxiety to feel these.. I used to have a similar issue, but different symptom.. If you catch yourself noticing it/thinking about it.. Just say to yourself.. "This is completely normal. I'm just stressed or anxious. Nothing to worry about. It will pass, it always does."

This will tell your mind that you are in no danger and with practice, you can use this as a tool to de-stress and you will immediately feel at ease and relaxed.

That's how I got over it. I have the same issue with weed, though.. I would honestly avoid doing it again. >.o; Some people are fine on it, some of us have anxiety.

07-04-14, 01:54
I will do that! And hopefully it will ease off once I'm less stressed and doesn't stay like it did last time. If it stays or gets worse I'm sure I'll be back haha!
And I won't be smoking weed again, not for a while at least.

Thank you for your help,
