View Full Version : How to get better sleep without drugs

07-04-14, 07:57
Has anyone else tried installing f.lux on their PC or other devices and has anyone tried dimming the lights at night and avoiding blue light to help them sleep?

I've been doing it for a few months now and it's helped a lot. F.lux dims your computer screen at sunset so you aren't exposed to the bright blue light that keeps you up. You can get it here http://justgetflux.com/ Just thought I'd share in the hopes that it can help someone else.

Some interesting articles online about how light affects us too:


And this one: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-01-07/bedroom-invading-smartphones-jumble-body-s-sleep-rhythms.html

07-04-14, 15:58
Thank you, thank you, LilHarry! Yes, somewhere else on the site where you have this link posted, I downloaded from yesterday, as I have always been bothered by the harsh blue light at night from the laptop as I check (obsessive, I know) facebook and my email, or research heaven knows what I am searching for at the moment, lol! Worked like a charm last night! Was not all wound up peering through slits as I made my way to bed ;) ... now, to break myself of tv in bed, ha ha! ... Bless you for sharing! :flowers: ... Marie

07-04-14, 16:27
I have flux!! I love it. Going to get it on my phone as well when I can be bothered. I am sure it's helped me relax at night - but I mainly used it as I have dry eyes and a friend suggested it. Eyes dry no more as well.

07-04-14, 20:56
Marie - I'm glad it helped you. Yes, breaking the tv habit is a hard one, but a good one. When we moved house I removed the tv from the bedroom and don't have any lights in there now, except the bedside lamps. I got a himalayan salt lamp which gives off a nice warm glow. You can also buy amber sun glasses to wear at night that block out the blue light. INterestingly, it's not good to wear sunglasses during the day as that mucks up your circadian rythm also.

07-04-14, 21:48
Thats interesting about a TV in the bedroom. Years ago (decades more like :roflmao:) when I lived at home I had a TV in my bedroom .... Numerous times I'd fall asleep in front of it when really I should have turned it off hours before. The number of times I should have just switched off but somehow I couldn't. I can remember when I was growing up my mother would always say you shouldn't watch TV in a darkened room.... I 'd think "yeah yeah yeah" bit I am sure now that she was right.
These days my bedroom is a place for relaxation and sleep only. No TV. Occasionally I might go and lie on the bed to read as it's a peaceful room but I never read before bedtime.... As in know I'll end up reading too late and repeating my habit if watching TV into the early hours.
Ah, the blue light thing too. I have always found blue light intolerable. I much prefer orange, browns or yellows. Far more relaxing. As for bright computer screens.... Those do my head (or rather my eyes) in. I always have the brightness down as low as possible. I don't mind bright light as i try to get out into the sun (when we actually get any) especially during winter months.
I have a lamp that simulates sunrise so I don't wake up and have to turn a brilliant light on when I wake up. It Is good even if it doesn't truly wake me up. In winter I also have a SAD lamp to use so I can tolerate bright light.
Must go and look at those articles now to see if they "throw any light" on my issues (ha ha)