View Full Version : i need some kind words from my n.m.p m8s

02-12-06, 10:07
hi all
i dont feel good today, my headaches are back think ive got a b...n t.m..r again ive been really making progress lately as well you think youve beaten it you get all positive again and them WHAM!!! for no apparent reason it knocks you down WHY? its not fair does it ever go away? i know ive posted lots of advice lately and i hope ive helped some of you,but i feel a bit of a hypocrite at times because i cant apply the same advice ti myself. Some People who know me think im a roughty toughty type because im a typical builder type quite thick set cropped hair and tattoos etc, but at times im as nervous as hell like now this is the first time ive really bared my soul on n.m.p im not too fast on the computer and my spelling isnt too good at times so forgive me if i seem a bit thick. God im really opening up and venting now its flooding out i guess im having a bad day like so many others
love to you all

02-12-06, 10:18
Hi Mick,
Sorry to hear you're having a bad one. I admire you for being so brave and coming on here to open up. I agree-much easier to give out advice and see where other's are going wrong than applying it to yourself! Believe me-keep on being strong and those bad days will get fewer and far between.
All the best,

02-12-06, 10:56
Hi Mick,

Hang in there, we all get our bad days mate, it is so easy to give others advice, but so hard to put it into practice yourself some days huh.

Sometimes it is good to open up and let everything out,, a problem shared and all that, and all of us need support sometimes, no matter how tough we think we are.

Just stay positive and the bad days will get less and less.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-12-06, 11:12
Hi Mick,

I think a lot of us can give advice but find it sooooo hard to apply it to ourselves. I know I do! [:I]

Hope today improves for you :D

Kate x

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

02-12-06, 11:16
Hi guys

Opening up is without a debt the best way - particularly when you can do it in a non-judgemental environment - like this site. We're all visiting because we have experience of anxiety PAs, etc - being able to talk about mine and knowing I'm not on my own has been a life-saver.

Hang on in there Mick - and take care


02-12-06, 13:46
Hey Mick, my psychologist always says to me that the anxiety just doesnt come up out of the blue there is always a trigger. When you get anxious write down what you think could have caused it. You may notice a pattern then you can challenge the things that cause you anxiety take care mate and chin up :)

P.S Don't feel like a hypocrite it is easy to see other peoples problems and find solutions for them but its much harder to apply it to yourself.

02-12-06, 14:33
Hi Mick :D

Sorry to hear how you are feeling.

It is a well known fact that pa's, anxiety never just come out of the blue, but I also know that it can be dame hard trying to find were they are coming from and whats triggering them.

Knowing just what feeds are anxiety is dame hard too, when it hits us BAM, we drop very quickly and forget all we are trying to learn, we are shocked and are thoughts are very, very, negative, this feeds the anxiety more. Trying to stay positive in this mode can be soooo hard, but you must keep trying. Blips happen in recovery, the fact you were, hay wrong word, ARE doing very, very well, WELL DONE. This shows me you on moving forward all the time.

Please don't be too hard on yourself Mick, this will feed Mrs anxiety. Look more on how well you have been doing.

I still have alot to learn, I don't suffer pa's, high anxiety but still suffer with a few things I will not go into. Self talk is very important. Letting go and talking to others, writing your thoughts and feeling down helps.

Choose a few of the statements below that appeal to you and practice saying them out loud to yourself. When you get anxious, use them to stop the "stinking thinking". Once you learn to trust these new thoughts, your brain will automatically replace the negative thought process with the more positive one. Remember that it takes 21 days to make or break a habit so don't give up!

Remind yourself gently but firmly that your negative thoughts are not helping you with your recovery and that you have chosen to move forward and think more positively.


1. I'm going to be all right. My feelings are not always rational. I’m just going to relax, calm down, and everything will be all right.

2. Anxiety is not dangerous -- it’s just uncomfortable. I am fine. I’ll just continue with what I’m doing or find something more active to do.

3. Right now, I have some feelings I don’t like. They are really just phantoms, however, because they are disappearing. I will be fine.

4. Right now I have feelings I don’t like. They will be over with soon and I’ll be fine. For now, I am going to focus on doing something else around me.

5. That picture (image) in my head is not a healthy or rational picture. Instead, I’m going to focus on something healthy.

6. I’ve stopped my negative thoughts before and I’m going to do it again now. I am becoming better and better at deflecting these automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) and that makes me happy.

7. So I feel a little anxiety now, SO WHAT? It’s not like it’s the first time. I am going to take some nice deep breaths and keep on going. This will help me continue to get better."

Hope this help, you are doing just great, keep fighting, you will win in the end.



02-12-06, 15:12
hi mick
its ok to vent its ok for you to have a bad day you are human too.....i know we give advise and we should listen to ourselves i do the same..........but you are doing good just a little set back....you will bounce back......stay positive you know how ya felt before this so you know you will feel good again i wish you all the best..........tc xx Linda[8D]

02-12-06, 16:16
hi mick
sorry you are having a bad day!(WE ALL GET THEM M8)you,re not alone!!!!
i can relate to everything you say.i know how hard it is when you,ve had a few really good days you think: right if i do get these feelings again i,m going to just dismiss them and think its just the old anxiety rearing its head again!!!but when you do get any sensations you think OMG!!!!!!!!!!whats going on now why is it back!!!!!!!!
take care mick,remember its just a blip!!!!!
rach x

02-12-06, 17:19
Hi mick,sorry to hear your having a crappy time.Things will get better.we all have our off days.Im like you,I like to reply posts and help where I can.And then get a **** day where you have to put a post in, about your self.But thats what the forum is for.Iv had a good couple of weeks and today Im down again.You will pick up again mate.well done on opening up on here,get it all of your chest.Better out than in!!!!!!!!:)

Ellen XX

02-12-06, 18:47
hi folks
id like to thank you all for helping me today im still feeling bad but knowing your all thinking about me is really helping me your very special people you really are
thanks for the encouragement and advice Mick

02-12-06, 19:05
Hi Mick,

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good !
Try and focus on the good days you have had,dont let those thoughts get the better of you ! I myself had a bad day yesterday, but todays another day and i am trying to put it behind me, We are all here for you Mick !

Keep smiling !:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

03-12-06, 15:43
Hi Mick,

So sorry you had a bad day yesterday, hope today is much better for you!

Take care of yourself

Hugs to you


03-12-06, 17:28
Hi Mick
Sorry youve had a bad day , ive had an awful weekend but things do get better its hard to feel positive sometimes isnt it , hang in there and hope youre feeling better now. Take care.
Anne x

04-12-06, 10:33
dont beat yourself up....ive learnt to accept this is me...but am starting to realise that if i 'just bring it on' it stops...its not easy...and i totally relate to feeling better the wham..god its so hard...
i can give advice but am suffering myself so i hear where your coming from

04-12-06, 12:36
Hi mick soooo sorry you feelin rotten,maybe today you feel more positive mate?It is good that you open your heart Mick,to give advice is what us lot do,we are so good at it ,but as ,you say ,can't always do the right thing for ourselves?!Jill's reply was wonderful and helped me too!So what a good knock on effect this thread is having.Other folk open up too!I truly hope you are feeling better matey,sending you a big hug any hoo!!Love M.R.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

04-12-06, 16:48
thanks again paddington,mooks,kilvosa,lynnann,honey,bee,ellen,c eecee,lindalou,jill,matt,sandy,kate,trac67,sarah, thanks fof helping me out respect to you all

04-12-06, 17:35

lets stop for a second and take a moment pf pause, because i am where you are right now, and have been for a yr, witha few other fears but we wont go into them now.

Buddy you know deep down that you dont have a T , but right now you cant see the light at the end of the tunnel, so i want you to look to those days when you knew that you never did have T ( giving it a name makes it more real) and let that be your guiding light my friend. There defo is nothing wrong with you other than what your mind is making real, and thats should be comforting because if you did have a T you would even be able to spend as much time playing this over in your mind.

ever here the U2 song ONE? well thats us, we are all here , we all feel and hurt and share the same fear's, but we also share the same love and warmth and caring for each other, so put that smile back on your face my good friend and look to the light , my hand is stretched out and im pulling you back up............. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)):