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07-04-14, 08:55

Since my first episode ( heart going beserk, pins and needles, nearly fainting ) 9 months ago I have been convinced there was something wrong with my heart. Ive had daily chest pains, palpitations and become aware of each beat. I feel strange most days, dizzy and very very tired.

Anyway, I have no had every heart test under the sun.

24 hr monitor, ECG’s, Echo and finally a CT Heart scan and artery scan.

The 24hr – fine,
ECG’s – all fine
Echo – All fine ( heart structural normal, all valves working correctly )

The cardiologist has said with no history of heart problems in my family and all the tests checking out ok then the chances of me having a heart attack any time soon are extremely low and up there with the chances of me winning the lottery.

This is a great relief to me, but I still find it strange how I can have all these chest pains and palps, ectopics etc.

The doctor told me that your mind is like layers, when a person feels a chest pain for a second there mind barely even registers the event. However people like us who are aware of every sensation this twinge or pain then sets of a chain reaction in the body, this might just be mild anxiety, or can trigger a full blow panic attack.

Now I know my heart is actually fine, hopefully I can put all this behind me and try to return to how I used to be !


07-04-14, 09:10
Hi James

Great news and great results ! I hope you can give your mind a rest now and concentrate on getting back to your old self again.

Lisa x

07-04-14, 10:21
:) Great news James!