View Full Version : Can you catch food poisoning from someone?

07-04-14, 14:14
Yesterday was my sons birthday and we went bowling and out to dinner and back to our house for cake with the family. My father in law announced while sitting at dinner in a restaurant (I was sitting right next to him) that he just got over a 4 day stomach virus. I'm well educated on stomach virus's (I have a vomiting fear) so naturally I'm totally freaked out! The main reason I'm scared though is my son is having surgery on Friday and I do not want him to get sick (or any of us) to mess with that. Anyway, I later found out that he had eaten raw oysters before this all began so I"m thinking it was actually food poisoning. His girlfriend was there with him and she was fine, hadn't been sick, but that doesn't mean she won't be. She had only been at his house since Friday evening and I guess he started getting sick Wednesday night. I was careful around him, wasn't too close but my kids were. My son (the one having surgery) even shared some dip with him at the restaurant. It was too late before I could say anything. I'm beyond terrified and feel like I need to go around my house with bleach. HELP!!!!! What are the chances? :shrug::ohmy:

ps I looked up raw oysters food poisoning and I'm reading that raw oysters usually carry norovirus. NO NO NO!!! :( :( We just had noro back in September! :*(

07-04-14, 14:49
You can't catch food poisoning, no

07-04-14, 14:51

07-04-14, 17:02

07-04-14, 18:54
Even if it was norovirus he got from the oysters? I know noro is VERY contagious.

08-04-14, 04:23
If he had food poisoning or norovirus, would he be feeling well enough to be eating at a restaurant?

Maybe the oysters just didn't agree with him. Some people can be allergic to things like this.

A stomach virus could even be the ones that are going around all the time, not necessarily related to food unless he has said it came on after that.

The hospital will want to ensure your son is fit for the operation so I expect they will have a checklist of things to ask for. I've only had surgery a couple of times in my life but they asked about my general state of health beforehand.

08-04-14, 15:36
He is not allergic to oysters, he eats them all the time.

08-04-14, 16:22
Shell fish can be very dodgy one bad oyster can be enough to cause tummy upset and It wouldn't be contagious,he wasn't really ill as terry said to be out so soon.