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View Full Version : eye floaters...convinced its MS please help!!

07-04-14, 14:43
Ok so I have always had some sort of eye floaters but idk if I have more or just noticing these. I know I have haintermitant Se but for some reason now when I turn my head or me eyes from side to side I see the floter pass through my vision and I see a tiny blurr. Im am loosing it ... I know I have HA but I never have been this bad. I know to some extent I am more aware of them but I have never had this issue with them before. Like I said I have had them for a while but now im scared.

My question Is.... how common are eye floaters with MS?? I have googled and found that there is something called intermitant uvitis wich is related to MS in young adults and I am freaking out. Even tho 90 percent say floaters are usually nothing and that its not a usual symptom of MS I am still thinking that its the case with me.....
please please please I need some insight... im 26 yr old hispanic male born and raised in miami fl. I know my chances are low but this has been the rworst case of HA I habe had. Thanks ahead for the response

oh and to add I had a tiny case of my lower left lip was paralized like 3 weeks before this for a couple days... but I almost sure it had to do with my jaw (tmj) ... I yawned and it cracked and hurt for like a week and that same day it cracked is when the issue started with my face.

ct scan was normal... minor encephalomalacia from a softball to the face 3 years ago but thats it. Please help

07-04-14, 15:05

Floaters are very common and so can paralysis (temporary) if a nerve is pinched or damaged, MS would present with a lot more symptoms. If your CT was normal I wouldnt worry too much.

07-04-14, 15:18
Floaters aren't a symptom of MS. If you have a search there's a retired neurologist who used to post on here who explains this in one post. Yes if you search the internet you'll find people with MS with floaters, as MS patients are humans and as likely to suffer this common issue as you or me.

Floaters are, however, a very common symptom of anxiety.

07-04-14, 16:16
I have loads of eye floaters at the moment and have had my eyes looked at by an optometrist who could not see a single problem with them.

My floaters got really bad when my health anxiety got really bad, it could be linked and then the more you focus the worse it becomes!

07-04-14, 16:17
Eye floaters over here too!

07-04-14, 16:42
Floaters are a symtom of anxiety???? Is this true?? Im not in anyway saying but I have not heard of this at all. I would just wonder how that can be from anxiety. .. Like I said I know if I search everyone with MS is gona have every symptom I feel. But I read specifically that it happens as a sign. But I really appreciate the advice.... it helps to know this.. its just crazy how from one day to the next it goes from a tiny floeter that I barley notice ... to now all of a sudden when I move my head or eyes from left to right its like a blur passing through my vision. Im going to my gp tom but its driving me crazy to just imagine that. I have no other symptoms.
I have searched but have not found the neurologist but ill keep trying... thank you again for the help
I thought ms wasnt detectable through ct only mri either way I need to figure a way to control this. I would feel 100% better knowing that it is caused by anxiety I wish I could find out for sure.

if I dont have that Intermitant uveitis then I would feel better... I need to see an optometrist for sure.... this website helps out so much thank you all

07-04-14, 19:05
Floaters are a symtom of anxiety???? Is this true?? Im not in anyway saying but I have not heard of this at all. I would just wonder how that can be from anxiety. .. Like I said I know if I search everyone with MS is gona have every symptom I feel. But I read specifically that it happens as a sign. But I really appreciate the advice.... it helps to know this.. its just crazy how from one day to the next it goes from a tiny floeter that I barley notice ... to now all of a sudden when I move my head or eyes from left to right its like a blur passing through my vision. Im going to my gp tom but its driving me crazy to just imagine that. I have no other symptoms.
I have searched but have not found the neurologist but ill keep trying... thank you again for the help
I thought ms wasnt detectable through ct only mri either way I need to figure a way to control this. I would feel 100% better knowing that it is caused by anxiety I wish I could find out for sure.

if I dont have that Intermitant uveitis then I would feel better... I need to see an optometrist for sure.... this website helps out so much thank you all

The reason health-anxiety'ers love MS is it's one of those that there's no one test for, the symptoms as a list are very similar to those of anxiety, and whilst someone can tell you with a degree of certainty that you do have it nobody can say for certain that you don't.

However, what I can say is from what you've posted you're no more likely to have it than anyone else walking up and down the street, in fact probably less so given the normal brain scan.

This is the sort of tiny chance we all need to learn to live with, which is where anxiety sufferers struggle. You may well be shot by an armed robber tomorrow, run over by a bus or flight MH370 might suddenly reappear and land on your roof. If you're not preoccupied with worry about the tiny possibility of the above, surely it's irrational for you to be worrying about MS. All four are possible, but with microscopic likelihood. :)

Oh, and there's a HUGE amount of rubbish on the internet about MS. Trust me, do yourself a favour and stop googling!

08-04-14, 02:13
Thank you I hope ypur right.... I have also been having a sensativity to light and of course I googled it and came up as the only 2 symptoms for intermitant uveitis. ... wich is associated with a bbunch of things ... one bieng of course MS. So I am back to seriouse anxiety. .. sorry

08-04-14, 03:08
Anxiety doesn't cause floaters but the brain learns to ignore then in time. If you have anxiety you are more likely to notice them because you are super aware of your body.

10-04-14, 13:05
Just an update ..... started feeling leg was hurting a little and was concerned. No weak ess no numbness or tingling. .. so I said im going to the eye dr. No insurance and all......I went and got t a thorough exam..... well results are in and I coukdnt have a better looking eyeball. He said I was the model patient. .. also told me it was a good idea to come in but that im good. And the fact that I tied eye floaters to MS was insane. He couldn5 7nderstand how I related the 2 even on goodle. Little does he know that dr. Google finds everything. Well anyways my GP also said that im ok my symptoms dont suggest anything with ms

he said if I wanted an mri for peace of mind that he would order one. But besides this pain in my leg that almost inexistente and the twitches wich im sure are from the axiety I have no other symptoms. ... I get I minor goodbump feelings on random parts that last 2 seconds and go away. .... but again I think when my anxiety goes away I will be fine...
that ks for the help guys I really love thiz forum

10-04-14, 15:14
Floaters originate inside the eyeball - it's changes in the vitreous fluid inside the eye. If you are young then you must be nearsighted, otherwise it will happen with GOOD eyes as you age. The worse your sight is the more floaters you will get. Mine started at age 19 (along with flashes) - this has NOTHING to do with MS or the brain and it has nothing to do with anxiety. You may FIXATE on the floaters if you are anxious, but it's not the cause.

10-04-14, 15:25
My eye floaters are terrible at the moment and it's making my vision really weird, like I can't concentrate on anything! It's making it hard looking at a computer screen at work because it's worse on white/lighter backgrounds.

Glad your eyes were nothing to worry about :) I too have had an optometrist look in mine and say they are perfect, just wish the visual snow/floaters would go now!

11-04-14, 20:17
I hear you daisyp ... I wish I could remove them but to completly honest the day after I was told myeyes were ok... I noticed them less. :yesyes: but now I have another sensation wich is causing me the same concern (MS) I have always had fears of diff things and just recently been prescribed something for my anxiety.... but this time I have to say is the worst ever with HA. I wont bore you with the new problem. (Minor..intermitant...foot tingling) wich is driving me insane. Ill post a new thread but thanks for eveyones response.
Im hoping this new thing goes away soon so I dont start to panic. This is the first time its affecting my everyday life.

11-04-14, 20:20
Only if I try to see my floaters do I see them. I guess my mind just adapts. We all have them tbh. It's the hyper vigilance of HA that has you focused on them.

Tingling in a body part is a symptom of anxiety (see Symptoms link).

Positive thoughts

11-04-14, 20:30
Fishmanpa ypu seem to be alot of help on these forums... just wanted to say thanks. Part of this health anxiety thing is that I need people to reassure me that im kinda nutts :blush:. The foot tingling lasts about 3 or 4 seconds very very mild ...somtimes on my toe sometimes on my Achilles..and sometimes on calf. I noticed it first after sitting all day at a desk but not I feel it on and off. I have a question? Incase u might know about this or anyone might.... I have been googl8ng my eyes numb trying to get something out of it. I know its wrong but its a sickness. Lol
Does ms tingles happen as I described?
And is this really possible with anxiety? ? These goosbump/tingly feeling??
And also I feel like my hamstring and buttocks is a little bothered like I need to stretch it from sitting...can this cause that sensation?
A few years back I felt and almost sunburn feeling in the middle of my back and severel other places but at that time my wife was feeling similar symptoms so I am not relating them to this... if that happened now I would die
I really want to avoid an MRI but I will if I have to. Tha ks again for all the help.

11-04-14, 20:43

Probably because I don't suffer from HA. I do have some "scanxiety" issues but manage pretty well considering my circumstances and what I have to deal with.

Thing is, rationality goes out the window when you're in the midst of an episode. If you really think about it logically, look at the real odds of you having MS or some other life threatening disease or affliction, you'd see the chances are ridiculously low. Let's put it this way... You stand a better chance of getting in an auto accident than getting MS, cancer or some of the other extremely rare diseases many here fear.

Read the Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms/) link and you'll find that what you're experiencing is extremely common for anxiety sufferers. There may be some physical causes like posture, TMJ etc., but that can be alleviated with treatment and exercise.

That being said, I'm not a doctor, just someone who's seen a ton of similar posts and not seen one person have what they feared the most. And you know what?... if God forbid you are stricken with something serious? You'll deal with it. In the mean time, enjoy your life. we're not here for all that long in this world and it's a crying shame to live it in constant fear (that and it has to be totally exhausting to worry all the time).

Positive thoughts

15-04-14, 15:04
I am having lots of eye floaters today --strings crossing my eyes, shadowy vision -- I hate it. I think I've noticed them more today because I've just moved house (walls are light coloured) and the sun is out. I notice them more in a brightly lit environment. It has kicked off my anxiety so I know how you feel. I was actually going to wite a post about it but then saw yours ...

Hope you feel better soon x