View Full Version : Vitamin B's

07-04-14, 15:13
Does anyone have any views about taking vitamin B's as a supplement?

I.E. the benefits, side effects, can you take them with other medication.

Would be really helpful.


07-04-14, 15:21
Hi Sarah, i tried vitamin B complex but it actually made my anxiety worse which is a side effect of them although they do help alot of people with depression and anxiety i think its just a case of trying it to see if it suits you x x

07-04-14, 15:26
Thanks Nicola..... wow it made your anxiety worse!!!

So what are the benefits supposed to be I wonder


07-04-14, 15:57
I am very sensitive to any meds tho but i couldn't tolerate it and neither could my sister x x

07-04-14, 17:24
I'm fine with vitaminB:)

07-04-14, 18:49
Just eat some nuts, taking a vitamin supplement is useless if your not getting the other minerals, enzymes etc you need to actually break it down.

Also there's not much point unless your deficient, as your body synthesises Vit B12 along with some others itself. Unless it's unable too due to a poor diet.

08-04-14, 01:25
You can always try a multivitamin & mineral combination. Certain minerals help regulate the nervous system. Zinc & magnesium for instance, have been reported to help deepen sleep in studies.

Try it and see if it does cause any anxiety. The medical world are somewhat anti vitamin thesedays but they often forget to mention that modern western diets are not adequate as to provide all the nutrients we need hence Im a bit skeptical about such research unless it examines full dietary requirement. So, who knows how many of us are deficient until we analyse our food intake. You could eat foods higher in X as Luna says but check out whether the extra fat is going to be an issue.

Round in circles
08-04-14, 03:40
I hate B12. I have to take it daily as I'm deficient. Gives me headaches, nausea and dizziness. Really hope it works sooner rather than later so I can be off them. Can't say I feel even slightly better yet, grr.

08-04-14, 09:28
Thanks for your responses folks,

I am going to try it and see what happens

I'll let you know


08-04-14, 09:52
hi Sarah, I too have started to take vit B complex.( started last week) but no side effects
I feel no different as yet. I tried magnesium for a while, they did not do anything for me. they are not to expensive either so that's a plus.
hope you go on all right x

08-04-14, 10:05
I started a multivitamin sup (Centrum chewables) about 6 weeks ago. To be honest I can't tell if it has helped but my GP seemed happy for me to take it since my anxiety appeared to be stress and dietary related.

On top of this though I have started to eat a lot more as I found my anxiety was linked to low blood sugar so I plan my meals and snacks in advance. The snack foods that I seem to get instant relief from are apples, bananas, almonds (which I love!), yoghurt, those cheese dunk snack things and even a malted Horlicks. These alongside plenty of veg or salad with lunch, dinner seem to help. The upside to it all is that my tummy is feeling a lot more settled.

Sarah, anything is worth a try on top of a balanced diet. The way I look at it, even if it doesn't help immediately, it is worth knowing that I'm doing nice and positive for my body. I'm looking after me for the first time in ages! :D

08-04-14, 14:48
Just eat some nuts, taking a vitamin supplement is useless if your not getting the other minerals, enzymes etc you need to actually break it down.

Also there's not much point unless your deficient, as your body synthesises Vit B12 along with some others itself. Unless it's unable too due to a poor diet.

that's interesting Luna.... could you explain it more please. Would a good muli-vitamin be better?


08-04-14, 16:24
that's interesting Luna.... could you explain it more please. Would a good muli-vitamin be better?


Hello Sarah,

I got it wrong! Your body already produces Vit D, K etc but not B12.

You still need a balance of vitamins and minerals to get the most out of supplementing so yes, a good multivitamin with no additives will most probably be the best route.

Just try and keep to a balanced diet along side the supplementing and it should be alright.

The only problem with supplementing is that it's almost like making a cake, except your only getting one ingredient. Whereas if you got it from food you would get all of the ingredients needed.

Good luck, just go with what you feel is worth it :)

08-04-14, 16:28
Thanks Luna,

I going to try it for a while and see. Don't know if it's psychological but I have had loads more energy today and clearer thinking.
My diet is pretty good and I have a very active job. At my age (49) a B supplement is often recommended (hormones) so going to see what happens.


09-04-14, 23:22
Interestingly I started taking some chewable b vits a couple if weeks ago and it said you could take two a day so I was taking one in the morning and one in the evening. I haven't been sleeping very well and just found out because they're stimulating they can lead to insomnia, so I've knocked them on the head for a bit to see if I can break that cycle and then will go back to one a day in the morning.
It's started on magnesium in the evening as that's supposed to be good for sleep and nerves

10-04-14, 01:58
MA - magnesium & zinc I read in a mag last week based on a recent study. Perhaps its on the internet somewhere for dosage advice. You don't want to be taking things that increase energy production anywhere near to bedtime, treat them like caffeine in that respect. B vitamins usually provide the RDA or most of it in one pill, never seen ones where you can take two a day. Perhaps one will have less of an effect on you?

Sarah - absolutely, B vitamins are for energy production. If you feel you have more energy, it seems you needed them, perhaps a small deficiency there? Too much and you can get a bit jittery but you will get that with a lot of supplements that promote energy e.g. L-Carnatine, caffeine, guarana, certain shell fish based weight supplements (e.g. Stacker)

10-04-14, 07:13
Sorry bit confused, are you saying not to take the magnesium either at night? I defo think I'm zinc deficient too as I have white spots on my nails now :(

They are these new chewable seven seas tablets with omega three in them. It said take 1-2 a day and I thought well I'm defo going to be deficient after such a long period of stress so ill take the max dose!

10-04-14, 07:19
I Don't take magnesium but I read is ok to take it at night, people take it for restless legs. I take zinc in the evenings and don't have trouble sleeping:)

10-04-14, 07:24
Phuzilla I was reading up on these b bits and insomnia and the same artical made some suggestions to a good nights sleep so my plan for tonight is a magnesium, a banana and a warm ovaltine with milk :)

---------- Post added at 07:24 ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 ----------

Still had a bit of a restless night last night but not as bad as previous nights. Mind you woke up with my shoulders round my wars and my jaw clamped shut so that didn't help :/

10-04-14, 07:48
I used to take a vitamin B complex at bed time and no sleep problems buti take it in the mornings now.
Your bedtime plan sounds good, I usually have Horlicks :)

10-04-14, 07:52
Hi MA,

Magnesium is fine at night, its the B vitamins to avoid at night as they help the body create energy from food. Zinc with Magnesium was the combination in a study which said it helped to achieve a better nights sleep. I can't remember the dosages though but if I remember tomorrow when I'm in Tesco, I check it add it was in a magazine.

I'm with you now, those Seven Seas mixed things.

Whilst in the subject, fish oils are good for low mood and depression. There have been studies of this and certain levels of the things in the fish oils can help.

10-04-14, 08:24
Thanks MTIT. Yep Ive knocked off the combi ones now. So I'm having my omega three in the morning with some spatone I found lying at the back of my cupboard to use it up. Then I'm having my magnesium at night and will get some zinc to combine as I'm pretty certain I'm low on it.
Will reintroduce the vit b when I can get a complex vit. I've got some metatone which has one of the b vits in so didn't want to be overdoing it! I'm only having that in the morning and man alive its magic stuff!

10-04-14, 08:29
Is that the Spatone iron supplement? I was thinking of trying that myself as I'm suffering a lot of fatigue these days.

Is it any good? I always avoid iron in supplements because I've had issues with constipation in the past but these seem to get good reviews and many seem to say it doesn't have the side effects that the normal ones do.

10-04-14, 17:08
My energy levels have been fantastic in the last few days... can this really be benefitting me so quickly.......?


10-04-14, 17:28
Very timely you mention suppliments, I just started taking a multi vit (boots own brand) the other day. I beleive if we are going on the hypothesis that anx and depression are chemical imbalance we need to embrace nuero transmitter manufacture. The way i see it if we we are trying to reuptake what little serotonin, norepinephrine & dopamine we have it make sense to try and manufucture some good fresh stuff. Meds only feels like running on empty all the time and only sticking a quid of fuel in every day - why not give it a good tank of fuel:)

Take care,


10-04-14, 20:36
MNIT yes spatone sachets you put in water (or orange juice is better but my tummy doesn't like orange juice). I took them while pregnant and they were great, no side effects. I had prescribed the ferrous tablets by the Dr a little while back and they were so dreadful on my tummy I've not been the same since. Apparently they are gentle enough to take every day. My dr poo poos them but I read they were absorbed much better than the tablets so who knows.

That's really good news SarahH. I find just one dose of that Metatone tonic gives me tons more energy, so maybe the b vits are working quick for you. I suppose it depends how deficient you are???

---------- Post added at 20:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:35 ----------

Oh MNIT, it's quite pricey. I get the jumbo boxes when they are on 3 for 2 from Boots.

11-04-14, 01:58
Yeah, they seemed pricey in the supermarket. I looked them up online and they seem much cheaper on Amazon so I think I will be getting them off there. H&B often have 2 for 1 deals as well or 2nd item half price which can be useful.

Some GP's are like that MA. I remember not long ago in the UK, hypnotherapy was laughed at for lack of evidence by the medical community but spin forward a few years and they now recommend it for certain conditions! They are also very medication orientated as opposed to treating the real reason for something.

---------- Post added at 01:58 ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 ----------

My energy levels have been fantastic in the last few days... can this really be benefitting me so quickly.......?


Yes, it can. The same is said about taking iron if you are low.

As an example of how such simple things can affect us...I had pneumonia when I was younger and after about 4 weeks I was supposed to be going back to college. I got up and could barely eat, had to pull myself up the stairs back to bed on my backside. It turned out that I had a low count of platelets and needed a few more weeks to get over that.

So, it's surprising how a deficiency can affect you.

Anxiety & depression also put us under more physical stress so what we would normally need, may not be enough anymore.