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View Full Version : What if the CT scan didn't detect my brain tumor

07-04-14, 18:25
I really can't take this anymore. I feel so desperate at the moment, all I want to do is cry. I've been having brain tumor worries for about 2 years. My symptoms are stabbing pains and a pressure (and NOT the tension type headaches). It's not even a headache, cause it lasts for only about 10-30 seconds. I did a ct scan 2 years ago and it was clear and I was relieved but since my symptoms never really went away, I continued googling them and that's how I found out that a ct scan is not the best way to detect a brain tumor, but a MRI. Now I feel all anxious again, because what if my scan missed the tumor? What scares me the most is that my pain is usually on the back of my head and I read that ct scans sometimes won't detect the tumor if it's there. I don't have a normal life, I'm only 20 and all I worry about is this, I think about this every single day and I just don't enjoy my life because I'm in pain almost every day and these thoughts are killing me.

07-04-14, 18:46
Do you clench or grind your teeth? You could do it in your sleep by the way.

Also how's your posture?

07-04-14, 19:09
After two years, if indeed you had a brain tumor, you wouldn't be here typing and at the very least be very, very ill.

Positive thoughts

07-04-14, 19:10
I don't know, at least I'm not aware of it. I've noticed a few times I was grinding my teeth while sitting on the computer but I don't think I do it very often - at least when I'm awake. Oh and I have terrible problems with my neck and back, scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis. I know, I know the neurologist told me that all of that gives me the head pains but I can't convince myself because I know so many people who have at least one of these things and don't experience head pains and I've read so many things here on the internet about brain tumor and just... my mind chooses to believe the BT thing.

Fishmanpa when I'm okay, I think the same thing, but when I'm at my worst like at the moment, I can't stop thinking about all the people saying how they lived with undiagnosed brain tumors for years...

07-04-14, 20:21
I don't mean for this to come across as rude (certainly not my intention) but you are very lucky to have had a scan to help you move on from this fear once and for all.

I have had the same symptoms as you (plus more) and can't get anywhere near a scan. I live in fear not knowing whether I'm about to die any minute from a brain aneurysm. It doesn't plague me as much as it has done but I would jump at any chance of any type of scan to put my mind at ease. You've had your chance to move on with the scan, please don't waste it. X

08-04-14, 00:27
10 to 20 seconds of pain is not a brain tumour. If you had one you would be progressively getting worse.

Not to be harsh but the problem is your anxiety, instead if putting the effort into worrying about something that you do not have you need to sort out your anxiety, do CBT and go get therapy.

You're alive and healthy and instead of being happy and grateful your making yourself miserable over an imagined fear that's not real. This is delusional thinking, you need to start challenging this belief that you have a tumor.

Have you looked at other reasons? Migraines, TMJ, sinues issues can all cause pain. How often do you get this pain? Even tense muscles can cause pain, the neck, head and jaw muscles are all interconnected.

Teeth grinding will mess up your jaw joint and give you headaches, I know because I get headaches a lot. Go see your dentist and get a night gaurd to wear when you sleep :)

When did you last get your eyes tested?

There's just no way you have a brain tumor for 2 years and you're still fairly healthy. You'd very sick by now.

But unless you're willing to accept to that you're healthy then no one can help you. Do you think if you had an MRI would you stop worrying? Because now the worry is almost an addiction an obbssesion and compulsion. What would you do if you didn't have to worry? Would the MRI be enough? the CT wasn't enough.

I worry in the future you will just find other Heath things to worry about.

The main issue here is that you can't accept that you're not sick. Despite all the evidence.

You really need to get yourself some help so you can learn to cope with your fears and the anxiety. Don't waste your life being afraid, because one day like all of us you will eventually be old and you'll regret wasting your life.

I'm sorry you're in pain, it sucks. I get lots of headaches and I have back problems. But you have so many logical reasons for you head pain none of which are a brain tumor. I really belive that if you can some help like therapy you will be able to overcome this.

08-04-14, 00:47
Why on earth do you think you have a brain tumour? My friend, you don't have any of the symptoms of one, you have had a clear brain scan, and and too much time has passed.

Anxiety is by far the most likely cause of what you're describing, and you know you've actually got that! But if it isn't anxiety, it's almost certainly something benign, boring and treatable.

Any human has a 0.016% chance of being diagnosed with a brain tumour. This is lower still as you're only 20. This is much lower still without the symptom presentation of a brain tumour. And pretty much as near to zero as decimals get with a clear brain scan. Chin up, you're going to be fine. Stop worrying about things that are almost impossible and enjoy yourself, as the only thing currently in danger of robbing you of your life is the hours you spend worrying about stuff that isn't going to happen. :)

Round in circles
08-04-14, 03:58
Here's a question for you Amber. What if the CT scan didn't detect your brain tumour because you don't have one?

I've read so many things here on the internet about brain tumor and just... my mind chooses to believe the BT thing.

THIS is why you're still worried about it two years later. There's a sticky called "How to survive health anxiety!" I think it might help to give it a read through. I know you're worried, but you had a scan, it's been two years and the worst symptom you have is a headache that lasts half a minute or less. Try to put that into perspective and ask yourself, based on these facts, how likely is it that you really have a brain tumour?

08-04-14, 15:25
Your answers make me feel better and I'm very grateful. Today I'm going to a different neurologist and see what he's got to say. I hope all of you are right.

12-04-14, 00:00
Whilst you do read online that MRI scans are 'better' to detect brain cancer, there isn't really a big difference. I've looked at MANY CT scans and MRI scans, and a tumor would be observable in EITHER of them. Furthermore, and MRI requires patients to be completley still for 25-30 minutes - any movement spoils the images. CT scans only take 5-10 minutes, reducing the chance of someone moving and spoiling the images.

12-04-14, 04:17
This sounds a lot like ice pick headaches, which I get. Have you ever heard of them? I can't diagnose you, of course, but the ones I get are harmless, stabbing pains that last about 10-20 seconds. Then they are gone.

I actually used to get them more often when I was on a specific birth control pill and when I switched pills they came much less often. Either way it wasn't enough to really interfere with my life but just annoying when it happened.

---------- Post added at 23:08 ---------- Previous post was at 23:07 ----------

Also just to add ... if this is what you have, which I can't say, they are harmless and not caused by anything sinister.

---------- Post added at 23:17 ---------- Previous post was at 23:08 ----------


Try that link for some info.