View Full Version : Paranoid about retinal detachment

07-04-14, 18:56
Hi everyone!

Two and half weeks ago I hit my head against the wall, and since I have health anxiety and phobias about eye diseases I instantly started worrying about retinal detachment. I was seeing flashes of light for the whole week, and a week later I started to have some strange feeling in my right eye, not as if I have a dark curtain (which is a symptom of RD), but something like a pressure. I also felt like my peripherial vision wasnīt right. I rushed to the eye ER and the doctor that checked me said I had retinal bleeding. I was terrified and shocked that my biggest fear was real. I was sent to the best eye clinic in my country and there they did OCT scan and a thorough eye exam and they said everything was alright, there was no sign of a tear or detachment and that the first doctor must have made a mistake. They also said I shouldnīt bend over or carry heavy stuff.

I had a follow-up check up at the hospital 3 days ago and they said everything is perfectly normal, and that I should come again in a week. I was so relieved and happy, but due to my health anxiety I am now worried if that could happen again, because today I bent over to pick something from the floor and now Iīm again experiencing strange feeling in my right eye. :weep: I don˙t know if Im imagining that or is it real, I am so scared, I donīt want to go to hospital again. I would really appreciate if someone could help me with advice, or just to console me, I feel like Iīm going crazy because of the worry. I cant even talk to my family or boyfriend about that because they always say Iīm imagining my symptoms and worry with no reason. Do you think that bending over can cause RD? on a few websites it says that it can :weep:

(P.S Sorry about my language mistakes, Iīm not a native speaker of English)

07-04-14, 21:06
Hi, I have actually had a retinal detachment and I did not have the symptoms you are describing. Firstly a continuous curtain of black spots ran across my eye which didn't go away. Also half the vision in that eye was blocked out just like the curtain they describe. I had laser treatment and was told not to bang my head, lift anything heavy or bend down for a couple of weeks.

09-04-14, 22:56
Thank you for your response. I hope your eye is ok now. I think that my problem really has to do with anxiety, because today I was very relaxed and didnīt have the pressure, but if I start thinking about RD or anything I get that strange feeling again. So I hope it is just my anxiety and not an eye problem.