View Full Version : Guilt, Guilt and oh, more Guilt.

07-04-14, 19:12
Hello everyone,

I'm currently in a sticky spot. My family dislike the way I eat, by that I mean I'm incredibly fussy. Basically I won't eat anything that has chemicals, GMOs or anything that's over proccesed or caused any harm to anything.

An example of this is I will not eat normal meat sold in a store as I do not wish to support the way they are farmed, which, if you haven't seen is horrific.

Another example is I find eating ingredients with more numbers than letters as their name is completely unnatural and toxic.

To me this sounds simple..

I'm getting increasingly pulled down by my family because they make me feel guilty, because I'm already feeling guilty for eating manmade, harmful food.

Confusing right?

It's like I'm split between to paths, harm them or harm everything else.


I'm not expecting a reply, just thought I'd vent here.

07-04-14, 19:23
Luna its not fair people shouldnt judge what you eat its your right ,my daughter is veggie but we just get in with it, to be honest when I cook for her I usally have the same dont let people make you feel guilty why should you,your not hurting anyone :)

07-04-14, 20:11
I say follow those instincts to eat clean and ethical. A lot of people would want to do that but bury their heads in the sand. It's admirable that you're walking the walk.

Yeh it's annoying for your family but tough, I bet you they annoy you too.

I try my best. I'd eat grass fed beef if I could find it. Free range eggs. I won't go to McDonald's anymore. I mostly eat veg and fish. At least fish can have a life outside of a cage. I scrutinise my food labels.

I have my head half buried in the sand, one eye ball and my nose in the sand and one eye ball out kinda thing.

07-04-14, 21:09
I don't see anything wrong in eating in a way that suits you, especially if you have deeply important reasons for doing so. I am vegetarian & if my family said I had to eat meat or perhaps lose their friendship, there's no way at all I'd choose to eat meat just excuse if them, of and I read ALL labels. I will not willingly eat anything that has an animal byproduct in, occasionally I have to make a choice (such as with medication that contains gelatine in the coating) but I draw the line at that. I didn't give up meat or fish for ethical reasons I just don't like the idea of eating what was once a living thing. It's just the way I came to feel over time.
I have had occasions when people have wanted to put my veggie stuff next to meat under a grill & then when I say no you can't do that, they think I am just doing it to be awkward. Or if I ask in the over then my food goes above any meat so it doesn't get splashed .... They have tutted like I m a nuisance. But I stick with it.
I am totally behind you & it's not your family's decision. Perhaps they just can't be bothered to make the effort. but in my book they should respect your choice and your wishes.

07-04-14, 21:44
I think it's entirely your choice, it is good to care about how your food is produced and farmed. I have been a vegetarian since I was 14 and have put up with people thinking I am picky but it is something I feel strongly about. I cannot believe in the year 2014 they still allow eggs laid by caged hens to be sold in supermarkets ! I think it's great you are making a stand for what you believe in. :)

07-04-14, 22:55
Thank you everyone, I just find it incredibly hard to stay ignorant to these things, I've told them that but then they try and make it out to be my anxiety or something similar causing me to be picky.

I'll stick with it though, thank you for the support, it's nice too know that people feel the same as you and have faced similar problems. Although it's not nice for any of us to be in some way judged because we prefer to eat different things.

Thank you again :)