View Full Version : still anxious after 9 weeks on fluoxetine

07-04-14, 19:25
HI ALL, I have been taking fluoxetine for 9 weeks now this is my second time ,My problem is I am still feeling anxious I don't know if its because its the second time but it seems to be taking longer for the meds. to kick in , the first time I took them I felt a lot better after 6 weeks but this time although the depressive thoughts have gone I still feel very anxious ,does anyone know if its normal for it to take longer the second time and how long I can expect this side effect to go on , THANKYOU FOR YOUR TIME AND FOR READING THIS :unsure:

07-04-14, 19:54
Anxiety and depression tend to go hand in hand so I'd say give it a while longer, once one starts to improve the other will follow.
Always a good idea to keep your doctor updated though, I've read on here people say sometimes it's about finding the right combination of meds/therapy etc and what suits you best. All the best :)

08-04-14, 10:29
HI littlepecos, Thanks for your reply , I do see my doctor at regular intervals but all they say is give it time so I just thought I would ask people who really knew those who have been through it ,I do value what you have said THANKS x