View Full Version : Gastroenterology appointment cancelled

07-04-14, 19:32
Hey all,

It's been a while since I posted on here, and I was doing so well until now!

I was diagnosed with GERD by a GP in January and since then I've had a few ups and downs with my health anxiety. I've recently been on an up, I had a gastroenterology appointment for May and I've almost finished university, so I figured if all the stress of uni has gone and my symptoms haven't improved, I'll soon be able to find out for sure what it was.

I've been waiting for an appointment since March, and I recently got a letter saying my appointment was cancelled! I rang up and they said I had been referred to the wrong person and that I had to book another appointment, I was so upset because it's taken over a month for them to realise this and now I'm going to have to wait even longer to be seen ): all my previous fears that it might be something serious like esophageal cancer are returning and I'm finding it difficult to concentrate on uni work again, three weeks before all my final year deadlines!

One thing that I am trying to remind myself is when I was working on an actual job rather than uni last week my symptoms greatly improved (still had regurgitation, but the cough and chest pain completely disappeared), to the point where they were barely noticeable. My work is fun but extremely busy, and unlike university work I'm rushing around rather than sat at a desk with nothing but my thoughts. I'm trying to reassure myself with this, cancer doesn't just disappear because you're preoccupied!

I've been back at uni less than a day and my chest pain has already returned, it's horrible ):

Has anybody else had to wait a really long time for a hospital appointment? I'm not sure what the max waiting time is, but I have a nasty feeling it's ages (something like 20 weeks). I still have that nagging feeling that my chest pain could be my heart, but I've pretty much managed to convince myself it's reflux now, seeing as I've had it since January and have had several normal ECG's/other tests

07-04-14, 21:02
I am like you have gastro problems gerd is horrible but your doc can't be worried too much or your appt would have been much quicker as long as you have no major weight loss or severe symptoms your doc must think it's not too serious try not to worry too much anxiety.makes acid much worse take care