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07-04-14, 20:33
I just can't cope with these thoughts for the last few weeks I've had eye pain a deep pain in the back of my eye and the bone around my eye is tender slightest touch and it sends pain all up my head so now I've been thinking I have a something wrong in my head :( off goes another round

07-04-14, 20:38
Have you got sinus issues?

07-04-14, 20:38
I have this problem. Have since December. I'm terrified I have a brain aneurysm, although it's in the back of my mind now not the forefront, the fear has never left me.

I would give my right arm for a scan as it would change my life immeasurably but alas I have zero chance so the fear and panic goes on and on. You're not alone x

07-04-14, 21:17
I have this problem. Have since December. I'm terrified I have a brain aneurysm, although it's in the back of my mind now not the forefront, the fear has never left me.

I would give my right arm for a scan as it would change my life immeasurably but alas I have zero chance so the fear and panic goes on and on. You're not alone x

That's what I keep thinking off :( then I log in fb and find peaches geldof has died at 25 of a suspected 1 and now I keep thinking it's a sign every time I go to my gp with anything EVERYTHING is anxiety never taken serious x

---------- Post added at 21:17 ---------- Previous post was at 21:16 ----------

Have you got sinus issues?

I have sinus issuies sometimes whrn my reflux is flaring x

07-04-14, 21:34
I'm with you on the peaches thing. Poor girl and her family, I've not stopped thinking about aneurysms since , like its a sign. She was only 2 and a bit years older than me, just frightening.

07-04-14, 21:43
No one know the cause of peaches death yet. Where did you hear it was a suspected BA?

07-04-14, 21:54
Oh I know the cause isn't known yet, and I've not heard anything about a BA I think it's just random people speculating as suicide is being thrown around too.

It just reminds you of how life can be cut short at any minute, and this scares me.

07-04-14, 23:39
Roxy do you get temple pain too and a hot face?? X

---------- Post added at 23:39 ---------- Previous post was at 23:37 ----------

No one know the cause of peaches death yet. Where did you hear it was a suspected BA?

I read it in Facebook I know the cause of death hasn't been stated it's just when I read it I thought omg it's what I've been thinking alday it's a sign 😪

07-04-14, 23:41
Well I certainly don't know where you guys have seen that as I've seen nothing at all about the cause of her death other than links to drugs or suicide etc.
Remember how rare these things are.

08-04-14, 00:00
There have been a few sources suggesting that it was an aneurysm obviously nothing is known though, all speculation.

Brain aneurysms aren't rare, its estimated that 2-5% of the population are walking around with a brain aneurysm. Thankfully the rupture rate is much lower than that but its still not rare. Its a very scary fear to live with especially as its so out of the blue. X

I don't have temple pain hot face I Have pains in my head like twinges, pain in my eye and around the socket, my eyebrows used to absolutely kill when they were touched, that's stopped but head and eye symptoms remain.

I'd do anything for a scan to make my life better dlx

08-04-14, 00:19
I read it in Facebook

Then it MUST be true ;) Between that and Dr. Google we don't stand a chance!

Positive thoughts

08-04-14, 07:54
Well I have all those symptoms so I must have one too

---------- Post added at 07:54 ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 ----------

2-5% of the population means that 95-97% of people don't have one.

08-04-14, 08:37
Well yes I know that lol I was just saying that they're not rare.

Some people don't understand my brain worries which is fine, as some people don't understand the extent of your heart worries mummy.

08-04-14, 08:47
I understand roxy, I wasn't having a pop. I get those pains all the time and I worry about anyerisms too. Sorry if you thought I was being sarcastic, I wasn't.
2-5% is rare though.

08-04-14, 08:58
Oh sorry mummy my bad, its just something my dad says to me when he's taking the piss out of me. Sorry for the misunderstanding :)

I always think of rare of happening to a handful of people but I certainly agree that is certainly very uncommon. I think about 5000 people a year have a ruptured aneurysm, when you think about the 60,000,000 people in this country they are terrific odds. However this still doesn't make me feel better.

I've been worrying about this since June thankfully I can get on with my life and worry in the background but last year it absolutely crippled me. Now I think its going to gonoff when I give birth lol!

10-04-14, 09:36
Illgetthere how are you today?

I have woken up with pain above/behind my eye. Very frightened of brain aneurysm very scared shaking crying, feeling like 'this is it'. Things have gone downhill these last few days, i'm sick of being frightened :(