View Full Version : Hi

07-04-14, 21:56

I am new here, and I think I have OCD. Struggling to deal with it, some days are terrible. I'm on waiting list for counselling but not keen on medication.

Trying to keep a smile on my face, but feel like it is all out of control :wacko:

08-04-14, 04:38
Hi Flappergirl!

I'm a newbie too but just want to say 'Hi!'. I was diagnosed with OCD 15 years ago and very relectantly started clomipramine. I've got to say it was the best thing I ever did. That and a short course of CBT did wonders to where about a year after my dx, most of the O's and the C's subsided. In truth however a few remain like scars. For example, I was a huge germophobe and now I refuse to eat out anywhere with food that touches my hands. I don't care what anyone says, even if I wash them say like a restaurant toilet, they'd never be clean enough. This is a small price to pay in my own mind. You will find your own rational. You will start to see your own limits. It takes time and work so please be kind to yourself while you are in this waiting stage. Hugs! Cc x