View Full Version : Sternum tightness?!

07-04-14, 22:29
I get this feeling like someone's pulling on the chest muscles from the sternum and they're going numb. Worse on the left side. This usually happens after I've begun to feel short of breath/hyperventilate, and eventually the area goes tingly along with my hands/lower face and other places (which I'm pretty sure is just hyperventilation), but the horrible pulling/taut sensation remains.

I'm hoping this is just muscular, cos the region is tender and it does sometimes seem to get worse if I breathe deep or sit up straight, and I've had my heart looked at a whole lot. But I've had so many scary episodes that this feeling just sends me right into a terrible panic attack. Put together it all drives me absolutely hysterical with fear. Anyone else get this sensation when they're anxious?

07-04-14, 22:40
Oh yes freaked its an awful feeling ,oh writing this is making me think about it ,I dont want to do that ,its all anxiety related dam you anxiety your not on your own x :)

08-04-14, 04:49
Not while anxious but I've had a muscle sensation in my chest like someone was grabbing me or something. A quick jolt to the muscles across my chest. Weird as hell, but I wasn't worried about it. The numbness might come from your brain all of the sudden very closely monitoring your chest area.

09-04-14, 23:52
Thanks for the replies! It just feels so weird to have your chest go numb and tight. My heart anxiety is pretty bad atm :-/