View Full Version : Strange chest pain...

02-12-06, 12:56
I've had this before, many times, but in the night it woke me up a couple of times which it hasn't before.

All i can describe it as, is as if someone is giving me a chinese burn internally in the chest area. It does sound strange...but its flipping painful :(

Hmm...anyway...that combined with my horrible night sweats which is a new thing to me too (considering i am the COLDEST person you'll ever meet and generally sleep with more clothes on than i wear in the day, i'm suddenly getting really hot with no clothes!), i am thinking one thing....and of course its the worse case scenario!


02-12-06, 13:29
Hi Sarah

Don't worry - this really does sound all part of the anxiety thing. There are a lot of postings on the site about night sweats and chest burning/constriction/pain. I had the night sweats, put it down to the menopause and I'm now on HRT. But the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced it was part of the anxiety thing.

Its truly dreadful how painful the physical symptoms of anxiety can be. We all think "...oh my god, is there something horribly wrong with me", but its all part of our CNS and the way chemicals (adrenaline and noradrenaline) manifest themselves in our reactions to anxiety.

Tell yourself, " its ok, they are not harming me physically, its all part of an attack and my anxiety, it will wear off,", and just try to breathe and relax your way thru.

Take care


02-12-06, 13:40
At no time when i have i had this pain have i been in anyway stress, anxious or panicky.

02-12-06, 17:28
Hi Sarah,you may think you are not anxious,but your mind maybe.The burning sensation Sounds very much like acid reflux.Anxiety can cause you to have night sweats and disturbed sleep.;)

Ellen XX

02-12-06, 17:50
Hi Sarah

I'm relatively new to the whole panic attack/anxiety thing. I'm 53 and whilst I've always been "a worrier, I've never experienced physical symptoms and I was amazed when my GP told me the chest pains/palps/burning/constriction was anxiety/PAs! A major and traumatic experience had just triggered the anxiety/PAs which were so severe they had created "physical" symptoms. I would suddently wake up at 3 am and feel the palps or the pain - I couldn't believe this could be as a result of a stress or trigger during my sleep. The mind and body or amazing things - the way they react is sometimes unbelievable.

I've found countless postings on NMP about the chest pain/burning, as well as recommendations for Bachs Rescue Remedy, which I now use and I have been surprised at its effectiveness. I take a couple of squirts before I settle down at night (after a glass of warm milk), and it does tend to help. (It's also got a really nice taste - a bit like fortified wine, sherry or port!!). I put a few drops in water and sip several glasses on and off during the day. It may be imagined, but iI feel sure its helping.

Take care - hope iot gets better


02-12-06, 19:18
Hi Sarah

Some of these posts may help:

Burning sensations (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5321)

Night Sweats (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3802)
Smoking (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4627)
sweating (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7216)
night sweats (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7310)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

02-12-06, 20:28
Many thanks to you all.

Its probably heartburn, but when i haven't eaten for hours (IE....middle of the night), i just don't understand why it happens.


02-12-06, 23:20
You can get heart burn in the middle of the night,lying down doesnt help.Food takes along time to break down,if you have eaten late.

Ellen XX