View Full Version : Just a thought

08-04-14, 11:36
Ive been thinking (dangerous I know!) and I know that what has happened to Peaches will be a concern to a lot of HA sufferers. It seems we all fear not illness itself as such but maybe more death itself. The problem is that fearing it does not stop it from happening no matter how careful we are, or how much we fear the inevitable. I could be ruining my life, however long or short (and lets face it I have no idea what tomorrow will bring or when I will die) thinking about illness and illness leading to death. I could ruin everyday I have left fretting about something I have no control over. I could be ruining being happy and enjoying my children and family etc fearing illness, when I could get in my car tomorrow, drive to work and be killed in an accident. What I am trying to say is, why spoil what we have now, today, in this moment, worrying about what we cant foresee or control tomorrow? I am taking my mum to see her oncology consultant today, and I believe that it will be bad news as it seems her cancer treatment isnt working. Life is too short yes, but make the most of every day, stop fearing what you cannot control and live for the moment and be happy, instead of waking up fearing death, wake up being happy that you have another day to live, love and most of all laugh. :bighug1:

08-04-14, 14:26
Oh, beautifully said, Florance! Every bit of it true; we only need to remember these things. Prayers offered for you and your mum today ... and thank you! :bighug1:

08-04-14, 14:41
A realisation on the road to recovery Florance, worrying is often a waste of energy and precious time. We're better off accepting death and trying to simply make ourselves happy in spite of it, life is much easier that way. There's nothing we can do about the uncertainty of life except live the best that we can in each moment.

I often feel that people don't fear death as opposed to not living the life they would really like. They fear dying before they get a chance to be happy, if that makes sense. If we focused our energies on raising our mood in whatever way possible, as well as aiming to live a life that helps us to be happy, then it's time much better spent than worrying about our health :)

08-04-14, 14:41
Well said.....:D