View Full Version : Sorry :(

02-12-06, 13:09
I'm sorry for being such a pain in the butt.. I just need to know something.. has ANYONE ever experienced muscle weakness on one side of the body from anxiety?? It's getting harder and harder to accept that anxiety can actually make my muscles weak.. or at least appear weak.. and I'm getting more and more scared.. Please tell me someone else has had this...

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


02-12-06, 14:07
Hi :D

You are not being a pain in the but at all, please don't think this. Learning about pa's, anxiety is the hardest thing I have ever had to learn and still learning.

My weakness was mostly around my legs and yes anxiety was the casue of mine. I found this, hope it helps.

Weakness in arms & tingling in the hands or feet
The flight or fight response is an intense reaction and causes many systems of the body to react. Circulation, blood oxygen and blood carbon dioxide levels change and muscle tension is altered in preparation for action. All of these bodily changes have a profound effect on bodily sensations, feeling week in the extremities, (arms, hands, legs or feet) is one of these sensations. Tingling is usually caused by the pooling of blood carbon dioxide in the limbs, shaking the hands, arms, legs and feet can help increase circulation to these areas. These symptoms are not harmful and will return to normal. Light exercise is very helpful in reversing these sensations. THEY DO NOT MEAN YOU ARE EXPERIENCING A STROKE OR ANY OTHER NEUROLOGICAL CONDITION!!

I will tell you a true story. My friend suffers pa, healthe anxiety, she can be funny at time and always say's. " I have never got a headach, its always a brain tumour".

Awhile ago she called me to tell me she had to call the ambulance out. She woke up one night and all down one side felt weak and numb, even her face, she found it hard to speak, her words were slering (spell check) she felt sooo scared and so did her hubby. He phoned the abulance.

The paramedics too her into the ambulance and checked her over, while checking her they asked her if she was stressed. "ohhh stressed" she said, "my middle name is stress" The paramedic smiled and calmy said, it all due to stress, if it was any concerlation (spell check [:I] ) he had been of work a few months ago with the same thing.

I know its dame hard NOT to be scared of this symptom, if you feel a GP would put you mind at ease on this go and see one, peace of mind goes along way.

I do hope you start to feel better soon.

Hope this has helped a little.

You take care


02-12-06, 15:15
oh lord yes anxiety can cause weakness then im sure when u start to get more anxious it gets worse......like stress anxiety can affect you physically also wont harm you tho like i lose the feeling in my hands face legs freaky feeling but i do know its anxiety just have to keep telling ourselves that and it does go away i wish you the best........tc xx Linda[8D]

02-12-06, 19:31

Your not a pain in the butt at all !

I was the same, i used to fear the worse, i got to the stage where i dreaded going to bed as i was frightened i wouldnt wake up.
I recently have joined my local Health Walk Group, once a week we do a 3 mile walk, i always thought that i was fit until i started the walking sessions, gosh did my body ache, but since joining i have felt tonnes better on my self.
Could you try some light exercise to see if it helps?



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"