View Full Version : Anxious thoughts...

08-04-14, 11:55
Hello everyone.

It seems like over the last few weeks there have been deaths from people that I know of family members. I'm really scared that I'm next. :(

First it was this girl I knew in high school who passed away a few months ago, then my boss's dad passes away two weeks ago, then my aunts dad passed away a few days after that, then my moms friends two nephews got killed back home in South America, and then we got news last night that my moms other friends dad passed away last night. This really worries me :(

Last night I had a dream with the girl who passed away from my high school. All I remember was her sitting at the table with my group of friends eating. I'm so scared this is a sign of something, I'm worried something bad will happen to me or my family and friends :(

08-04-14, 12:22
You dreamt about your friend because she was on your mind. That's the only signal hun. It's very scary when all this is going on around you but do you really have a risk of it being 'you next'? Keep strong.

08-04-14, 12:32
Thanks for replying x
I really don't know what to think :( and I've woken with this pain on the upper left side of my head, which doesn't help the situation. :(

08-04-14, 20:19
My day ended up being okay. But I'm still worried about all these deaths that are happening around me :(

08-04-14, 21:11
I"m terribly sorry to hear about the deaths of your friends and family. It must be very shocking and stressful for you. Just because people are dying around you doesn't mean something is going to happen to you - that is an irrational thought, but totally understandable given what you're going through. Your journey through life is different to anyone elses and what happened to them doesn't say anything about you. I recently found out a friend of mine is sick and that sent me into a panic. I though it meant that I would get sick with the same thing. I found that meditation helped me a lot and also I put my energy into doing something nice for my friend to make her feel better. Maybe you could do try something similar? You could write down your happy memories of the people that have passed and give them to the people that were close to them. Make a nice card for them to show that you are sorry for their loss. It's easy to internalise these things, but you would feel more in control if you confronted the feelings and tried to do something positive.

09-04-14, 05:11
I agree with the above posts and I'm sorry to hear about all this.

It's not a sign, it's just that when we sleep our subconscious is dealing with issues as part of our circadian rhyhthm.

Trust me, I have Magical Thinking OCD so I have a tendency towards omens & superstition because I have rituals just to stop bad things happening. Nothing has ever happened though whether I did the rituals or not - ever.

10-04-14, 18:46
Hey guys, thanks so much for responding. I'm trying to cope, but it's hard. The lasts few days haven't been too hard. Which I'm happy about.

But I still worry so much about brain tumours and heart attacks. And today in class a girl had a seizure which really made me anxious. :( of course I think of if as another sign

12-04-14, 04:37
Anyone ? Xx

12-04-14, 05:46
It's not a sign so try not to worry about it.

There are always people ill for some reason or passing away, it's just we don't tend to notice because we don't work in hospitals. To them, it's an everyday thing.

It just seems that you have had a lot happening all at once and it's reinforcing the anxiety that you already had.