View Full Version : Life Is Funny

08-04-14, 12:14
Good Morning, life sure is funny. It's been a strange start to 2014, with my Father being ill and dealing with that. He has his next appointment with his oncologist this morning and I'm not looking forward to it. I had just about gotten used to my Dads myriad diagnoses when BOOM!

Last night, I got a call and my Aunt, my Mom's sister, was in the hospital, diagnosed with breast cancer.
Just a week ago, my cousin's wife, who I am close with, was diagnosed with breast cancer and is having a bilateral mastectomy. She is young and has two small children.

Last night, my other cousin had a medical mishap (no details to not disturb the HA folks) and is hanging on in ICU.

One blow after another and I find myself just shaking my head. It really has been a crazy year.
I'm thinking that anxiety is not so bad at the moment and that I'm handling all of this as well as anyone possibly could.
I'm just going to keep right on finding something to laugh about. I'm going to keep practicing my CBT. I'm going to keep on eating healthy and finding ways to distract myself and to relax.

08-04-14, 12:18
What a positive post. Wish I could find some of you're strength. Best wishes.

08-04-14, 12:20
Hello Tanner, I am very sorry to hear about all of these things happening.

I like that you have this action plan abut what you're going to do to cope with your anxiety. Trying to figure one out at the moment, as well. I hope things work out for you. :)

08-04-14, 13:18
It's situations like this that the saying "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade" comes from. What the hell else can you do with that many lemons? You have the right attitude Tanner. One foot in front of the other....

Positive thoughts

08-04-14, 15:15
Life pushes us to the limits at times, but you have showed true strength so far, and will continue to fight your demons whilst support others. Try not to let too many thoughts overwhelm you, keep going with what you are doing and take each day by each day, hour by hour, minute by minute...spend time with those you love and keep creating happy memories.

Take care, and seek support for you if you feel you need it...as much as you want to support the ones around you, you need to be in a stable head state to do so, there is no shame in asking for help


08-04-14, 16:05
Tanner, keep at it:hugs:

08-04-14, 16:10
Tanner, so many blows to you and your family. But look how strong you are in the middle of it all. I know you might not feel strong, and of course all of these events must hurt you emotionally, but you're managing the stress very well and anxiety is staying at bay. I'm very proud of you :) Thinking of you and wishing you well in the middle of it all x

08-04-14, 16:34
Running out the door, but dropping you a note to send you encouragement and a virtual hug!
Won't be around until tonight, but will try to write more to you tonight.
Thinking of you today, my friend.

08-04-14, 17:40
Nice to read your post. Great thinking. I say life is a game with captaincy. :) There are lot's of responsibility. We have to play the vital role within our limited time. Because Every soul shall taste death :D

09-04-14, 12:04
Good morning to everyone. Thanks to each of you for the kind words and the encouragement. I don't know about being strong. I think that I am but I find it's more important to keep the right attitude and to find a game plan and stick to it as best that I can. My getting anxious and having panic attacks is not going to help anyone, least of all myself. It really is a lot like making lemonade. I can choose my attitude. I can choose to bit into the lemons directly and grimace or I can choose to take the lemon and find a way to make something sweet out of it. Today, I am going to continue to choose not to bite into the lemon.

09-04-14, 12:23
Tanner I certainly admire you ,you are strong and a insperation to others ,you keep doing what your doing you wont go wrong xx :hugs: