View Full Version : The thoughts go round and round

08-04-14, 12:34
For a while now I have been searching for truth and my purpose in life it's been hard , very hard. I've learnt to be less serious when dealing with this kind of thing but I can't , my mind won't let me , drop the subject of religion ! I have no idea why it is always just there in the back of my mind wether I'm subconsciously thinking of it I have no idea. I have read the bible I found a bit of truth in that but I don't like rules , the 10 commandments , so I dropped that I then went to satanism which isn't that bad but dropped that after I keep reading about evil satanists killing people and I then bought the quran which isn't that bad either it's just the rules I hate , i'm a rebel. So I've discovered quakers im not sure if to buy the book of faith and practice but before I do I would like some advice. Why can't I drop the subject and why do I feel I need to belong somewhere ?

08-04-14, 13:45
Religion isn't for everyone, and plenty of atheists find other ways to identify themselves to gain a sense of belonging. It could be anything e.g. a gaming community. I think you obviously have an underlying interest in religion, so it's good to keep researching. Maybe you should like at buddhism or something like that. But if that still doesn't give you what you need, look to your own interests and try to find a community which helps you feel that way. This probably isn't very helpful, but it's worth a try! :)

08-04-14, 14:19
There comes a point when everyone starts to question everything.
If you just carry on without questioning, inconsistencies in the way things are are bound to keep popping up. First stop is bound to be the long held established beliefs of religions, surely they'll know !

Whatever your conclusion is on whether they DO know or not I'll leave to you. The fact that you're still searching suggests you don't agree with what each of those religions is telling you.

Thing is, ultimately, religions are somebody else's beliefs. Why do you necessarily have to adopt SOMEONE ELSES beliefs ? Just develop your own.

Glean what bits you believe in from the religions you look into and develop your OWN belief system by which you'll live your life. There are some beliefs that are consistent and probably indisputable like , compassion for others, "us not me".

In generations past you didn't have a choice. It's still like that in many parts of the world. So don't be so quick to adopt other peoples beliefs when you really no longer have to.

Or do, it's up to you.

09-04-14, 00:29
I think you need to think about why you are focussing on the issue of religion, not which religion will fit because there are going to be holes in all of them, hence the need for faith.

Spiritualism, Buddhism, etc will be less judgemental (no offence to anyone) and directed.

I dont think looking for answers in satanism, the occult or the radical sects/cults, is a good idea. They hardly teach good values or tolerance to others.