View Full Version : Peaches Geldof

08-04-14, 16:42
Many of you are probably struggling to come to terms with how a seemingly healthy 25 year old girl could have passed away so suddenly. When I had health anxiety I would obsess over every celebrity death - it made it so much easier to accept if there were drugs involved or it was a suicide. In this case it looks like natural causes, which a few years ago would have sent me into a blind panic: "oh my god, if she can just die from nowhere, then I'm definitely going to drop dead soon with my history of palpitations, chest pains, stroke symptoms etc etc."

I now realise that the above is faulty thinking - it is a tragedy, but you must not apply this to your own situation because this is not relateable to you. People die every day, every minute, but the vast majority live long and healthy lives. Just because someone else has died, this does not make any difference to your own situation.

Practise distraction, don't obsess over this and avoid Dr Google, and you'll be fine.

08-04-14, 16:48
Thanks for posting this Skippy. The only difference here is that she was apparently well known (I never heard of here before). Tragic yes, but that's where it ends.

The fact is, people pass, from infants to elderly, in all walks of life, every single day for all sorts of reasons. We just don't hear about it.

Positive thoughts

08-04-14, 18:08
Well said, both.

Lisa x

08-04-14, 18:16
Regaurdless of her being famous ,she was a mum to two young children now thats sad they will never no their mum god bless them all xx life can be so so cruel

08-04-14, 20:01
I read an article about someone my age dying and it sends me into a panic, however its very quick to get over, I just shut the article off and that's that. However with this its everywhere you turn, all the papers, the news channels, Facebook etc its not something you can just forget about.

I know its totally unrelatable to anyone of us but lots of people aren't as far along in their recovery as others on here and for some people it's just not easy to not dwell on it.

Its just terribly tragic for her family, especially her sons as she clearly adored them.

08-04-14, 22:13
She was a heroin junkie and so was her mother. Far from healthy! She may not have died from drugs but her lifestyle sure didn't help.

Round in circles
09-04-14, 01:28
It's very sad. I didn't read a lot about her, but it outwardly appeared that she was turning her life around. Heartbreaking for the family.

I notice in recent pictures how pale and thin she looked. I read in one article that she said she lost weight quickly by doing a lot of juicing. Could have had an eating disorder.

No matter what.. Young mother dies leaving two young boys behind. Always very, very sad.

09-04-14, 12:04
despite her history the main point here is she was only 25

no matter if it was natural causes or drugs etc i am still saddened by this and hate people cashing in like people on ebay - really pisses me off :(

sorry for the rant but lets leave her family to grieve

09-04-14, 15:07
I hold my hands up - this has really set me off and sent me spiralling downwards :(

09-04-14, 15:10
I have been having a really bad week and this news was really upsetting for me :( anyone who has watched peaches vs Katie Hopkins on this morning will have a lot of respect for her! I just really really feel for the children, she seemed so lovely and she really wanted to provide for her children and not leave them like her mum did to her which just makes it so sad :(

09-04-14, 15:26
She was a heroin junkie and so was her mother. Far from healthy! She may not have died from drugs but her lifestyle sure didn't help.

Well you sound like a nasty vile piece of work. If you don't have anything nice to say about someone who has just died try keeping your mouth shut

09-04-14, 15:27
Untill they do an autopsy no one will know what the cause of death was,nobody just dies their has to be a hefty reason.
To Live a long and healthy life you do have to stear clear of some life style choices so if this thread is setting you off don't let It, things will be clearer when they release the results.

09-04-14, 16:33
Clearly there is going to be more to this than she just dropped dead as they are now doing toxicology etc as the post mortum was inconclusive. Such a sad thing for the family to have to go through as this will take weeks for them to get an answer.

10-04-14, 00:15
I had never heard of this person, so I googled her and read some stories, apparently they think it was her diet that consisted ONLY of juiced vegetables. Anorexics die from cardiac arrest many times, and maybe it was something like that.

10-04-14, 00:45
Anorexics die from cardiac arrest many times, and maybe it was something like that.

Remember Karen Carpenter?

Positive thoughts

10-04-14, 10:12
I was shocked to hear the news when it broke that she had died, also when Amy Winehouse died.
Whilst on the news about shocked deaths wrestler Ultimate Warrior passed away a few days ago.

10-04-14, 10:36
I was shocked about Peaches, not so much Amy unfortunately. And poor warrior, stood on raw day before he dies talking about how our hearts will one day beat it's last beat. Very poignant.

10-04-14, 18:12
I've noticed I've been seemingly more anxious since this came out as I too am 25 so thanks for the encouraging words skippy x

10-04-14, 19:20
This has made me very anxious to I'm 24 and if I'm honest has freaked me out badly x

10-04-14, 22:35
I was shocked about Peaches, not so much Amy unfortunately. And poor warrior, stood on raw day before he dies talking about how our hearts will one day beat it's last beat. Very poignant.

The speech which he gave on Monday, makes me want to live to the max and try to reduced my anxiety.

10-04-14, 22:46
Indeed..if anything was a kick to get on and live your life, its this. I know it's not easy but we must make steps to take whatever help/support is available.

When I was in the grip of my most recent HA I directed everything back to me. Every article, report or death I stressed about until I realised it's not all about me! It was about somebody else..they were ones going through the tough times or sadness and would probably give anything to be me without illness. I except anxiety is a huge part of my life but it currently 'shelved'! I will not let it take over..am taking meds, going to meditation and having cbt...I owe it to myself and my children to try...life realky is far too short not too....
Onwards and upwards x

11-04-14, 00:33
Every young person seems so worried - just don't exist on juiced vegetables or become anorexic - 2 eating disorder things that can cause cardiac arrest. It didn't just happen out of the blue for no reason. YOU have control.

11-04-14, 01:46
No, I remember the ultimate warrior from when I watched wrestling when I was younger. Who can forget the rope shaking!

A different type of 'juicing' may have played a part as it's rife in the bodybuilding scene.

11-04-14, 14:47
Terrified of suddenly dying after peaches
I can't stop thinking about this, I'm getting bad to the point I make sure my partner wakes me up b4 he leaves because terrified If I die my son would find me so instead it would b my partner. I don't no what to do to stop these thought I had my 1st counselling app on Wednesday. I constantly get chest pains and palpatations and I no it's blamed on anxiety and I've had countless ECGS and a holter monitor but that doesn't show everything? Please help I don't no what to do.

11-04-14, 15:10
It's important to remember that there is a lot that the public doesn't know ... some examples might be her lifestyle, family medical history, etc. To us, it may look like out of no where but to her doctor or somebody in her family, there might have been a pattern.

It's so hard when somebody who is seemingly young and healthy dies out of no where. I struggle with this too. I am 25 and my mom died a few years back out of no where. We didn't even know she was sick with something.

I don't say this to scare people, but to share my experience of learning that sometimes we really just don't have control over our fate and to an anxious person, that is a terrifying idea. I've had to learn to accept that sometimes things happen that don't make sense and that is just how life is. All I can do is take care of myself, keep up with my regular physicals and routine exams, and other than that I have to also enjoy my life. If we could die any day, then I want to enjoy the days I do have.

A little voice in my head says ... easier said than done of course. But that's my goal for myself at least.

11-04-14, 15:17
Keep in mind, if this wasn't a well known person, no one would be talking about this or going down a spiral of fear. Over 100K people pass each day in the world from a plethora of reasons, some normal and some mysterious and it's not reported. It's life.....

Positive thoughts

11-04-14, 15:37
Well the latest I saw was she ate junk every day and had very high cholesterol and was advised to cut the junk so she went entirely the opposite way to just juicing so lost tons of weight quickly and unsafely. Of course this is again speculation and we won't know for ages the real cause.

01-05-14, 12:38
Just to reply with the current news we have heard. Apparently now it is (or will be officially) confirmed by the coroner that it was indeed a heroin overdose.
Her death, selfishly I'm ashamed to admit, really made me worried, but it does go to show that there is almost always a cuase with regards to the 'sudden death' of a person. Or rather, it rarely is so sudden without cause.

01-05-14, 14:03
Very sad but I think we were all thinking that the toxicology tests would show this...... why why WHY do people throw their lives away with drugs!!!

01-05-14, 14:29
It's now been confirmed as heroin. I know this is an awful selfish thing to say but is anyone else slightly relieved it wasn't natural causes or SADS? This his wracked my brain for the past month. I just feel so unbelievably sorry for her kids. Can't believe anyone would be that selfish and not go and get help for the sake of her children.

01-05-14, 16:08
It's now been confirmed as heroin. I know this is an awful selfish thing to say but is anyone else slightly relieved it wasn't natural causes or SADS? This his wracked my brain for the past month. I just feel so unbelievably sorry for her kids. Can't believe anyone would be that selfish and not go and get help for the sake of her children.

I know, it's been preying on my mind too!
At least she probably died painlessly and unaware if it was from an overdose, although what can be said of her mental state beforehand is another matter. It 's so sad, and really makes you appreciate how lucky you are.

03-05-14, 19:40
This initially sent my anxiety out of control, because of my fear of SADS (sudden adult death syndrome). Plus how it seemed so unfair that she was a mum of two with her whole life ahead of her. Angered me, more than anything.

As it turns out, now, they're speculating drugs were involved all along. It made me realise how the media manipulates everything.

It's now been confirmed as heroin. I know this is an awful selfish thing to say but is anyone else slightly relieved it wasn't natural causes or SADS? This his wracked my brain for the past month. I just feel so unbelievably sorry for her kids. Can't believe anyone would be that selfish and not go and get help for the sake of her children.

I feel EXACTLY the same way. I felt relieved and was almost hoping it was drugs, as horrible as that sounds. SADS would seem so, so unfair.

03-05-14, 21:03
Her death was caused by a heroin overdose, but still a huge shame.

My husband and I recently attended a funeral of a 33 year old mother. She was fit, healthy and vibrant. She died of a ruptured brain aneurysm. It was so sudden that, even 3 weeks since her passing and saying our goodbyes, we still can't believe that she is gone. For the first few days my husband and I were somewhat anxious. I was due to visit the City when my husband kept telling me to be safe, same when he went to visit the family.

Death of a known person is always very tragic, and their circumstances can be disturbing. To have someone like her, unaware she had an aneurysm, and Peaches, who died of an overdose, it does make you see life, whether your own or as a whole, in a different way. After the initial 'What if I...!!!' I looked at life as a blink of an eye in hindsight and I thought...

Life is too bloody short...