View Full Version : I couldnt do it!!!!

08-04-14, 19:12
I bottled it... I honestly couldnt go.... (spinning) even though im sure theres nothing wrong I still couldnt go, I made up an excuse that I was ill so couldnt go, im so angry at myself

08-04-14, 19:13
Don't beat yourself up! Why don't you find something a little less strenuous to do and try again next week?

08-04-14, 19:21
the gym thats close to whereni live doesnt really have that much for people who dont want to body build, when you walk im its full of bodybuilders, they only do all that stuff, spinning and boxing thats it. If I went to a different gym its like a 25 minute drive and I dont fancy coming back from that far after going the gym

08-04-14, 19:30
Can't you do something free like power walking?

08-04-14, 19:40
Swimming is great low impact and would be good for you, stop beating your self up x

08-04-14, 19:44
I cant swim to well haha. Even as a kid I couldnt do it. I was thinking if power walking, but I though spinning would be easier... boy was I wrong. X

08-04-14, 19:50
There's nothing wrong with a couple of power walks in the week and then build your confidence back up to going spinning.
I think, while it was very brave, it was throwing yourself in at the deep end. Completely understand why you want to do it but if you haven't exercised for so long you need to build yourself up xx

---------- Post added at 19:50 ---------- Previous post was at 19:49 ----------

And please don't think you're a failure, you did way better than a lot of us!

08-04-14, 20:07
Im not a very confident person right now, ive gone up to 10 stone after having two kids thats two stone heavier than before I had them... so the dark room on a bike persuaded me more haha... power walking so people can see me doesnt sound to appealing. I could do it at night I guess haha....

08-04-14, 20:27
10 stone is fine :) I was less than 8 stone when I had my first baby and went up to just under 10 after my third. I have lost some in the last few years again but 10 stone is nothing to worry about. I am sure you are running around doing housework etc and a brisk walk will be good for you too. A wii fit is another option?

08-04-14, 20:53
I'm ten stone.... That's an ideal weight for me as well apparently! I think I look too thin. Maybe I should stop worrying lol.
You'll be walking so fast no one will get chance to stare at you ;)

08-04-14, 21:02
I agree with teh others who say do something free! Or maybe you could get a spin machine for your own home. I'm sure you could hire one for the cost of a gym membership. I have a bicycle and try and get out on it once a day. I love the freedom of being able to go where I want and return when I want. And with my helmet and cycling gear on, no one knows who I am.

09-04-14, 08:04
Ah, don't worry bingjam ! It was a lot to put your body through if you aren't used to it. Maybe try again when you are a bit stronger.

Any kind of walking is good, do you have a friend you could go around the park with or just around the block ?

Lisa x