View Full Version : chease

08-04-14, 20:44
This is my first visit to this,or indeed any forum site. I found it because
I was looking for references to food sensitivities and depression. From the age of 16 to about 47 I struggled with almost continual bouts of depression anxiety and panic attacks. I underwent regular treatments with medication and extensive courses of various psychotherapy. I reached a very low point when I found it almost impossible to function.
I found that I have a sensitivity to cheese. I stopped eating cheese or anything containing cheese and within one month my depression.anxiety and panic attacks had gone. Ten years later I am still clear of symptoms.
In those ten years any slight return of symptoms could be traced to my having eaten some cheese unknowingly.
Because it has now been ten years since I have encountered depression I am sure that I am clear for good and feel that it is time to try and find out if others may also be sensitive to cheese. Or indeed what other food sensitivities may be contributing to these distressing conditions.

08-04-14, 22:08
Oh, wow! That's incredible! Thanks for posting this, you never know who it might help, hey? ... For me it's light deprivation that is the major factor, but we do keep hearing how food sensitivities are proving to be the culprit in all sorts of health issues. What made you decide to give up cheese in the first place?

09-04-14, 19:54
Its interesting! one night I sat down and relaxed out then I asked myself why after all these years,with medication and counseling I still hadn't got to the bottom of all this? I asked myself what was wrong with me? I went to sleep while relaxing and when I woke up I felt hungry. All I had in the fridge was a large lump of cheese. I figured that if I eat it this late at night It would probably give me nightmares. Then I figured that if it made me anxious while I was asleep then perhaps it made me anxious when I was awake.
Then I stopped eating Cheese. Things got worse for a few weeks then everything cleared.
If I eat even a tiny piece of cheese I get a reaction.

10-04-14, 00:07
What luck that was for you! I know dairy in general plays up with my digestion and was talking with the naturopath's assistant who is on an elimination diet and cannot have any dairy at all, poor thing was just a wretch before they found that much out. From the elimination diet she was going to be started on an anti-yeast diet, no sugars. I've done the elimination diet and found out that my main dietary stressor is soy. At the end you reintroduce one food at a time, and the soy immediately re-created cyclical diarrhea and constipation, viscious cramping etc. Very careful to avoid it in all its forms now! Also find the same with ice cream, big time :ohmy:

---------- Post added at 17:07 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ----------

Oh, and hey, there is a natural remedies section to the site! It would be good to post your experience there too, and maybe there will be something you are looking for too!
No More Panic > Remedies/Therapy/Success > Natural Remedies

10-04-14, 18:26
Thanks I'll post it on natural remedies. I'm not really looking for anything at the moment. would be interested if anyone else got the same benefit from dropping cheese from their diet. :)

10-04-14, 19:17
this is so right, i was at my worst in late 1999 and i always was eating pizzas :( i cut down on them

i also sensitive to onions but i think its more indigestion related and i love them lol

also all remember alcohol is our worst enemy but its so hard to stop - our hangovers are 10 times worse ie heart attack, stroke etc

thanks so much again for your post

will re-evaluate my diet again and keep a food diary from monday on here if thats ok with admin

15-04-14, 17:49
change of mood doesn't kick in for a few days after eating cheese so can be easily missed in a food diary . Look back over two or three days to note changes. also I get the same effect eating chocolate but this small effect I can tend to handle. There is some work being carried out on the connection between migraine and depression and I guess that they could have the same triggers.