View Full Version : Right-side of my face feels tighter than the other

08-04-14, 21:22
As the title suggests, the right-side of my face appears to be tighter than the other. I can physically feel a difference between the two. My right cheek especially seems to feel tighter, along with some tightness around my right eye, my jaw and my neck. There doesn't, however, appear to be any unevenness or drooping in my face. There's no weakness on that side either, as it moves pretty much the same way as my left side does, and my arm and hands are functioning as normal. I also can't say there has been any noticeable visual disturbance or unusual head pains, although I've had a little bit here and there, just nothing out of the ordinary.

When still, I would liken the sensation to that of sunburn or being out in the sun a little too long. It throbs a little but isn't painful in any way. If I move my neck or the right-side of my face I can feel a tightness.

I was wondering if anybody had any idea what this is? I've had it for a few days now and it's starting to make me wonder. I might have made it worse the other night when I yawned and felt pain under my chain and on the top and the back of my head. It felt like I had twinged a muscle. This was after it began, however, so it can't have triggered.


09-04-14, 01:33
I've had this myself and it has always been the right side.

It could be muscular or perhaps a touch of neuralgia.

If you are concerned about it, you ask your GP.

I started grinding my teeth in my sleep which also caused this and my dentist found evidence when performing a check up. He gave me an exercise to perform before bedtime which was to touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, then open your mouth wide, close, repeat...

09-04-14, 22:30
Thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure what it is, but if it's nothing serious then I can deal with it. The first thoughts, or at least to a lot of people with anxiety, is that it must be something serious. It could be that I've slept 'wrong' or done something while walking the dog or at work, or it simply could be anxiety related. I have caught myself clenching my teeth, too, so I might try that simple exercise. My main concern was figuring out whether it was anything serious, such as signs of a stroke or something.

10-04-14, 01:25
Yes, if hou have be clenching or grinding it could be facial myopia which was what I had.

Try the exercises. Mine lasted over 6 months but it wasn't always painful.

In the end I found that painkillers at bedtime did the trick but that helped because mine was in my sleep.

Facial myopia is common in anxiety & depression.

With mine I also found it difficult to clench my teeth or open my jaw wide.

Dentists can take an impression of your teeth and make a mouthguard. If you get this far though, I would advise you to look around about it first because they can be uncomfortable to wear and don't always work anyway.