View Full Version : A little food for thought.

08-04-14, 22:31

I wasn't sure if I should post this, a) as it is such a tragic story and b) I do not want to upset anyone. However, this really gave me a shocking realisation tonight.

I know the daily mail is a demon in my books for scaremongering but this story has encouraged me to take a step back.

This poor guy believed he had cancer with no medical diagnosis or evidence to prove otherwise. Now im not suggesting were all going to kill our mothers or ourselves, but I can just imagine how much this was eating him up inside, and i bet you any money he googled.

I for once feel that this has taken over my life . Not too such an extreme extent but I am not going to lie it has crossed my mind what my poor parents will suffer when i eventually get diagnosed ( which i will probably still be stressing over in a years time).

Anyways. DON'T LET ANXIETY WIN. We can fight this! We really are luckier than we think sometimes.

hope everyone is doing good !


08-04-14, 23:39
This is a great post Gemma.

It sobering as is the Peaches tragedy. To live your life in fear of "What If's" is not living.

I've said this several times here.... There are diseases and circumstances that can bury you six feet under. Anxiety, specifically health anxiety, does that above ground. Not just that but the sheer exhaustion one must deal with concerning the affliction is enough to be debilitating. I don't suffer from the malady but I do understand "scanxiety" intimately. I felt like I got hit by a truck when I finally got the all clear from the doctors.

Lately, I literally get exhausted just reading the plethora of posts ~whew~ I don't know how some get on under those circumstances.

You're 100% right. Anxiety is beatable. It's not a deadly physical illness even though it sometimes feels like it. Many here have tamed the Dragon. It's doable!

Positive thoughts