View Full Version : Why does it come and go!?

09-04-14, 05:30
It's so weird, some days I'm totally on track with my panic and others I'm just totally obsessed and miserable and I'm on edge all day.
I have an attack nearly everyday. Does anyone else have a habit of slipping into old negative thinking patterns? Idk how to live like this I feel like I'm going nuts

09-04-14, 07:26
It's a habit. It's like your default. You're using the same neural pathways, the same thought patterns. As a result, if you DO manage to change your thoughts, put yourself in a better state of mind, develop a brighter outlook it's so easy to slip back to your current default.

Try and record what thoughts, actions flip you into a better state and do those things more. I think people are the best at triggering those reward systems.
Other people making you laugh, feel good, accepted, liked.
Those reward systems are hard wired into you to ensure your survival.

Seek out things that make you laugh, people you like who like you.
Throw yourself into activities you may find flow in where you can cometeky forget yourself and be 100% absorbed in what you're doing.
These things can build up that new default.
They can get you further away from that anxious default and existing in a new state for longer.
The old default/neural pathways will wither.

Of course I don't know you or what your lifestyles like. Could be that you're putting yourself back into an anxious state via poor lifestyle.
How's your sleep, diet, nutrition, exercise ?
You happy with your social group ?
Have some friends you like who like you ?
Been checked out by your doc regarding hormone levels or any other conditions that may be making you prone.
Food intolerances ?

10-04-14, 15:14
This is exactly me!

I can go several hours, a day or a few days where I feel pretty good, pretty normal then BAM anxiety & depressive mood hits me & It feels like I'm back at square 1 again. :wacko:

I know exactly what's causing it though - negative, irrational, obsessive thinking. I just can't seem to help it.. It is like it's a default setting at the minute like Oosh has said. It's almost like I don't know how not to be negative about things, like I've forgot how to think normally & rationally.

It's horrible!