View Full Version : back to gp

09-04-14, 07:35
yesterday took myself up ae gp service as my arm is in agony, i have a cyst near my wrist (trying to believe its a cyst) anyway its constant dull agony, doctor did physical hand tests and said water retention as I'm pregnant i asked him is the cyst causing it no he said, so I'm glad i kept my gp appointment today because i need to let off my anixous feelings off and deal with it from today, reality is they are doctors and i should believe them as I'm no doctor also me keep going is not healthy!! Roll on cbt in three weeks!!!! I just want to know its a cyst and pain is water retention but I've been told this already and looking for confirmation again,

09-04-14, 11:44
Congratulations on your forthcoming event, boy or girl or have you chosen to have a great surprise.
I am sure that when you have been reassured again by your own GP you will except it is what they say it is.
Like you said we are not Drs but find it hard to believe that they are right and we are wrong, why is our health anxiety such a strong emotion.