View Full Version : Everything is out of control

09-04-14, 08:23
My HA has gone completely out of control. We were told yesterday that my mum is now terminally ill and dying with cancer. My heads a mess, and in the background my HA has also gone into overdrive and the aches and pains I had have got so much worse (probably stress related) and I am petrified 1. for my mum and 2. thinking that I also have cancer. I just dont know what to think or do at all. I am utterly heartbroken about my mum and feel like Im going insane trying to deal with everything. :weep:

09-04-14, 08:57
didn't want to read and run, so sorry for your news lots of virtual hugs :hugs:
Im sure your symptoms are down to all the stresses of what is going on around you at the moment. xxxx

09-04-14, 11:19
Florance I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, that's got to be tough for you and your family. Try to put your HA thoughts to one side for the moment, you don't need the added stress of worrying about that.

Maybe just allow yourself a certain amount of time a day to worry, and any time something pops into your head tell yourself that you'll think about that later during your time allotted to worrying. Give yourself 10 minutes a day to worry.

It's a helpful technique, and may be good for you right now when you have so much else going on that you really don't need to be dealing with HA.

Remember that everyone is here to support you, we'll help whatever way we can xx

09-04-14, 11:42
I'm so sorry to hear this Florance, my deepest love and thoughts go out to all of your family, including your mother.


09-04-14, 20:26
thank you all for your kind thoughts and messages they mean a lot at this time x

09-04-14, 20:28
Sorry to hear this news Florance, sending you hugs :hugs: xx

11-04-14, 17:23
So sorry, Florance. Praying for strength for you and your mum.

11-04-14, 18:53
I have had to respond to you Florence as i know exactly what you are going through right now.

My mum was diagnosed with cancer in january and since then everything has been one huge mess, like yourself im so scared for her but also going through some very tough times myself.

I have never suffered with HA until her diagnosis and im finding it extremely hard to cope with. Have been to the Dr's a number of times since convinced i have the same as my poor mum.

I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone and just to send you huge hugs, we will get through this :bighug1:


11-04-14, 18:57
So sorry to hear about your Mum Florance.

I posted only yesterday that my HA has become very pronounced since my Dad was diagnosed with cancer only a week or two back (he starts treatment tomorrow). As a result I can totally empathise with what you are going through.

Have you tried some muscle relaxation and breathing exercise when you are feeling particularly on edge? I have one downloaded which is ten minutes or so, and it is so simple. Basically, whilst lying down and breathing slowly, you tense and relax each muscle group in turn. I was uber-cynical but I have to say it really helps me :)