View Full Version : What did you call me

09-04-14, 12:44
I had a awful day yesterday ,its left me feeling so hurt ,I unfortunatley got caught up in something and I wouldnt mind it was nothing to do with me ,but never the less I was some how dragged in ,it got very heated, a close so called family member then turned on me she called me a freak and that I should go and take some more nutty pills :weep:ouch I was so upset ,

I hate confrontation it set my anxiety off ,im so sad that she said this is that what she thinks I am or was she just trying to hurt me because she suceeded with that, has anyone else had to deal with someone you thought understood you and your problems say bad things thanks for listening xx

09-04-14, 13:19
Everyone says things they do not mean in the heat of the moment.... they say the first thing that comes into their heads...... to be honest I wouldn't take much notice as it would have been something said to get 'one up' in the argument, rather than something they meant.

09-04-14, 13:36
Thankyou Venus I get what your saying but I cant help thinking ,if she said it does she really think I am xx

09-04-14, 14:31
When you argue with someone you usually say the first thing that comes into your mind that will hurt the other person.... normally because they are worked up and angry.

99% of the time people do not mean what they say, they just want to 'hurt' you when you are having the arguments..... it is the nature of arguments I guess.

09-04-14, 16:23
I know your more than likey right, but because of my anxiety I hold on to things and also keep thinking about it ,I hate falling out it worries me x

09-04-14, 16:33
To be honest I think it worries most people when you fall out with someone, especially if it was someone close, family etc..... I would say it is completely normal for you to worry about it.... human nature really. (I know it doesn't help)

09-04-14, 16:34
Thankyou Venus it does help xx

10-04-14, 02:57
We also tend to overstep the mark with those closer to us than.

If you talk to this person, when things have cooled down, about how they hurt you then you may be able to judge their opinion of you. For instance, they may feel guilty about talking to you in such a shameful way, which I would hope is the case, in which case you can make it up and continue to be supported by this person. But if they don't want to hear how you felt and/or don't exhibit guilt over this, then either they are still anger or not the person you thought them to be.

You are not nutty or mad or crazy or anything else, your just having mental health issues.

Its simply not acceptable to talk like this. Tell her about the 1 in 4 in the UK. Its no different than calling a physically or seriously mentally disabled person their equivalents or someone of another race. I wonder if this person would call them freaks?

10-04-14, 23:04
Terry thankyou so much for your reply ,I saw the person today although we did speak it was very strained ,I dont think things will be quite the same I Guess it just hurts more when family call you awful things she knows how that would be the worse thing she could call me because we have spoken about people not understanding mental health issues and the stigma that comes with it xx

11-04-14, 01:39
It could just be because it's still a little raw.

The fact she is speaking to you may mean she is feeling guilty if she seemed regretful. If she seemed more dismissive, then perhaps things won't be the same as that bridge has been burnt.

If it can't be resolved, remember that you were not the offensive person and try to put it behind you.

I've never experienced this, yet, but I do think about how it would hurt me if people made fun of how I felt. I think thats something an anxiety sufferer secretly dreads.

11-04-14, 16:46
Thankyou again Terry for your kindness ,I hope we can get back to normal but its still abit raw at the moment and she knows how vunerable I feel xx