View Full Version : flu like symptoms ignite anxiety

09-04-14, 17:11
Hi there!

I came to No More Panic years ago after a much worse feeling of anxiety over a period of months--and this site did more than any doctor or med or anything to lead me out of it. Though prone to worry, I have only had one or two high anxiety phases in the last several years (that have lasted more than a week).

I am very very thankful. This past weekend, I actually got sick. It wasn't anxiety related--it felt like the flu: fever, chills, aches, fatigue (but no cold symptoms). I did get the flu shot, so it could be a much less harsh version of the flu, who knows. The fever/chills lasted for 2 days, I'm feeling better now (even the aches are gone), but what has started up the past 2 nights are night sweats--and this is what's sent me over the anxiety edge!

I read this article while sick on this woman who had cancer (great idea, huh?), and of course her symptoms read exactly like mine! It even ended with terrible night sweats and excruciating back pain. Now my back barely aches--but reading that, I'm now feeling for any sort of pain in my back & exaggerating it. And also there is this fear that the night sweats will never end & this will be the end of me...

I can usually be self-aware enough to realize "OK, Kristy, you're letting the anxiety rule this one" & I saw it happen. It usually starts with crazy amounts of googling--trying to find reassurance, but never feeling that satisfied afterwards--even if I read many posts about people having the night sweats after they had a fever & it lasting several nights. I read how they are normal after a fever. All this info should've calmed me a bit--but it didn't. I would see the one Dr. Oz article on "signs of cancer" & be too freaked out to even read it.

When I woke up in the middle of the night sweating mildly, I totally freaked out. I was googling on my phone next to me, wasn't able to sleep again, now feeling sick to my stomach.

I decided this morning it was time to visit this site again & refresh my memory on the symptoms of Health Anxiety. It was a good call. Anxiety is something that so often feels lonely (especially living with my cool-as-cucumber boyfriend, just shrugs his shoulders about it--looking at me confused).

It's obvious that I'm feeling better now than when I was initially sick & could not get out of bed. I no longer have a fever or the aches--but I'm now latching onto any last symptom with such anxiety! Why do we do this?

The article I read keeps popping into my head. Should health anxiety folks just avoid these stories all together?

Are there steps to keep me calm as my symptoms slowly fade? Ha, I say "slowly" & I've only had this flu-type thing for 4 days--am back at work today feeling basically fine. I have no patience with my own body to heal itself!

Does it work to give yourself a timeline of "OK, if I still have this symptom for the next __ days, I can go see the doctor about it." ?? I'm also hoping it will help just to get out to work & be distracted until nighttime.

I certainly know I'm done with googling the whole thing! That is SUCH a bad idea for me.

I just get so frustrated when I wrap myself up in these health issues & they just resolve themselves & I feel like I wasted tons of time just worrying over them.

I know you guys don't have the power to completely alleviate my worry, but I do want to say thanks for reading the post & I will update you I'm sure in a couple of days when I'll probably feeling perfectly fine again. :)

24-09-15, 00:20
I've had anxiety for the last 10 years or so and it only seems that recently that this sort of thing has been happening to me. The frequency seems to change but it's been as often as every two weeks or so for me here lately. It always starts the same way...I start to feel really anxious like something is off. By the next day, I can only describe it as feeling sick...like a bad cold or the start of the flu. I don't really seem to have external cold symptoms other than being told I "look sick" in my eyes. I feel run down, extremely tired, internally shaky like I have a fever even though I don't, aches/pains especially in my wrists and ankles, headache, mental fog, dry eyes...the whole deal. It legit feels like I'm sick. It usually lasts for me like 3-4 days like a cold would, so I can't help but wonder "am I really just sick or is this caused by anxiety?" This sort of thing seems to happen more in recent years even though my anxiety has gotten significantly better. The inner hypochondriac in me assumes I'm dying of cancer and I absolutely hate going to the doctors so I avoid it. When my anxiety first started I had a really bad experience with my doctor and being dismissed for feeling the way I do. I get really bad white coat hypertension too so getting my blood pressure taken is always a treat. Times I have gone during this "illness" they do bloodwork and everything always comes back fine. Once again my inner hypochondriac assumes they missed the one blood test that would pinpoint what's wrong with me. Lol. I have noticed this whole deal is more likely to happen after I drink over the weekend, but not always. When I feel sick it seems to be "physically deeper" than just the anxiety I usually experience if that makes any sense.

I know how terrible it is to feel sick all the time and be anxious of the cause.