View Full Version : Constantly having health anxiety, weird patches on tongue, could it be oral cancer?

09-04-14, 17:59
Hello! Newbie here. I've been sleepless and a bit stressed out for days.

I have a canker sore at the back of my mouth (the gums behind my upper molar). I've had it for more than a week, and I haven't been able to eat very well since it's really painful to open my jaw (I think it stretches the canker sore or something, it's really painful even if I don't open my mouth). I've been gargling with warm water with salt and that seems to be improving, but I inspected my mouth more and saw a weird whitish patch under my tongue. It's actually spread pretty evenly on the base of my tongue, just slightly whiter on one spot. It doesn't hurt to move my tongue, and I don't have any other odd stuff happening in my mouth (no bleeding, etc). I've asked some people and they say it's not odd. Someone also said I lack certain vitamins. I'm still worried though. I'm due to go back to the dentist in a few days, but while waiting for that, what do you guys think I should do? Also, should I be worried about it? Do you think it's weird?

Catherine S
09-04-14, 18:39
Hi there, unfortunately we can't diagnose on the forum so I would say its probably best to wait for those few days and ask your dentist what he thinks first.

09-04-14, 18:52
Hello and welcome janacha all I can advise you is go see your doctor if it will be quicker than seeing your dentist ,thats what I did when I was worried about a lump in my mouth he was great xx