View Full Version : Can anyone relate?

09-04-14, 18:20

does anyone feel like there has to be some underlying problem as to why we feel the way we do? im convinced im gonna have a heart attack or I've got a brain tumour because i feel lightheaded a lot of the time or like im not really in my body. im worried everyday that im gonna drop down dead from something and its tiring me out thinking this way.

Anyone out there to chat to me for a bit or can relate to me?

09-04-14, 23:33
Probably just about everyone on the site can relate to feeling like that at one time or another.

10-04-14, 09:26
Before I got over my anxiety at its worst point I felt like this constantly. Like I was floating around and dizzy and just not with it. I used to google symptoms and convince myself that I had cancer, leukaemia and just about every other illness under the sun.

Nothing ever happened to me and all my thoughts and fears were totally unfounded but at the time I believed I had something seriously wrong with me. It is amazing really what you can make yourself believe. I am in great health and no longer worry about the odd feeling or two when it comes along. I guess that is the way I have since trained my mind to react to the odd thought of 'what if its cancer' etc.

It will be your mind frantically searching for answers to how you feel. The adrenaline surging rounds your body makes you feel like this and you are hyper aware about it. As HalfJack says I am pretty sure almost everyone who has ever had a high level of anxiety knows exactly what you are feeling. The range of physical symptoms that both myself and others I know have experienced is huge yet not one of them has ever led to anything to be worried about.

10-04-14, 14:56
Thanks for your replies. Much appreciated
