View Full Version : Throat Worries, Eating Problems and Chest Tightness

09-04-14, 19:32
Hello, I posted not to long ago about not being able to eat as all food feels as it gets stuck in my throat. Things have gotten much worse since then and now I keep convincing myself that I am allergic to my meal replacement drinks.

I always feel like I have a lump in my throat, it also gets so bad at times that at the bottom of my neck (lower than my Adams apple) is closing up and that I'm going to stop breathing. I find it so hard to believe that this is all anxiety, the feelings in my throat feel so real! I really want to eat food again but it seems almost impossible. I don't even know how much to chew my food before I swallow, even when I try to swallow I cant!

Also for the past 2 weeks I have felt constantly short of breath/tight chested. I have been to the Dr's like 15 times this week and they say I'm fine.

I'm also having CBT at the moment but its in very early stages.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

09-04-14, 19:57
Why are you taking meal replacement drinks?

Catherine S
09-04-14, 20:13
Could be because he can't swallow food mummy a, as he says in his post. Fazz, it sounds like you have globus hystericus which are big words describing a very common anxiety symptom of feeling you have a lump in your throat or that your throat is tight or closing up. Some doctors refer to it as globus sensation as this is all it is..a sensation. The chest problem is more likely to be a result of stress because of this.