View Full Version : Feel so ill and now I'm convinced I'm dying.

09-04-14, 19:40
Last night at like 3am I was sat watching tv on my iPad, when I suddenly got this dull ache radiating around my back and shoulders and the. Going down my left arm. It felt unbearable, like this weird achey feeling, as if somebody was pulling down on my shoulder. Then I got really bad pins and needles in my left hand that was so bad and painful and when I pushed my fingertips together or pushed on anything, I got this static feeling in my fingers, like a severe pulsating almost that felt like an electric shock. It lasted for ages. I felt so sick all over my body and so weak. It was all down my left hand side and I got pins and needle shivers in my head on that side too.I got really cold too and was shivering so ended up having to sleep in my dressing gown, but then woke up today cold but sweaty. Today I just feel so achey, like somebody is pushing my arms in to my side cos they feel so weak and hard to lift up. The middle top of my back still aches too and I feel all sicky and keep getting hot. Like my whole body feels like it doesn't have any strength. I'm so scared that it's something serious like with my lungs, heart or brain and I'm so sure that I'm close to my death. I know that it's not anxiety and I just don't know what to do. For the past few weeks I've been getting a pain in the centre of my chest on the bone when I move and I keep randomly coughing too and get so out if breath when I move. I've had 2 ecgs, one today and last week as my pulse has been really high which the doctor thinks is due to my medication. Today it was 100bpm but they said my blood pressure was fine. I'm really scared and just feel so knackered no matter how much sleep I get and I feel so out of control, like I'm slipping away. I do genuinely feel ill and my neck and back are aching so much. I'm worried it's my lungs because of these pains, pulse and breathlessness, aswell as the occasional coughing. I just went to stand up and I honestly felt like I hadno strength and walking up stairs is almost killing me - sometimes I wonder half way if I'm going to make it to the top. Today I've noticed a little flutter feeling in the left hand side of my chest too and I woke up with a slightly sore throat. I'm just scared and don't know how to get through tonight, because I'm sure if I allow myself to sleep that I'll slip away and die. My arms are honestly killing me. I don't want to die. I just want to cry. I'm so alone and so scared. The pins and needle random shivery tingles are happening lots in my head today and they've actually been happening for weeks now. Somebody please help. I can't cope and know I'm dying and all I want to do is live :'(

09-04-14, 19:56
I didn't want to read and run but not sure what to advise? I'm assuming you went to the dr after this episode you're taking of? What did they say?

09-04-14, 20:01
Hi Chloe, were you sitting with your head bent looking down at your ipad? And do you spend a lot of time on it like that, or looking down at your phone? If so then it's possible you're feeling the effects of muscle tension from sitting in a bad positre for so long. Your head is very heavy, and it takes a lot of effort to keep it in place looking downwards. If you hold this position a lot it can mess with your muscles and cause problems.

As mummyanxious said, a visit to your doctor would be a good idea. I seriously doubt this is anything cancer related or worrying! But a check up would be a good idea.

As for the other stuff, if you've been checked out by your doctor and told that everything is fine then it would be a good idea to look into stress reduction methods to help you begin to feel better.

09-04-14, 21:59
Mummyanxious - I didn't go to the doctor for that because most of the time they just tell me it's anxiety. I did have my ecg today because that was already booked and they said my heart was fine and my blood pressure, but my pulse was high

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:55 ----------

Honeylove - I was sat with my head bent. Could that really cause all of that though? It feels almost like severe flu symptoms that come and go and it's terrifying. I just don't want to die in my sleep and this constant tiredness is scaring me. I have had blood tests/doctors appointments in the past month or so and the doctors say I'm fine. The esr blood test to check for inflammation/infection was slightly high but he says it wed nothing concerning. The only thing too high is my pulse which they're monitoring. I'm only 19 but I'm just not ready to die yet x

09-04-14, 22:16
....most of the time they just tell me it's anxiety. I did have my ecg today because that was already booked and they said my heart was fine and my blood pressure, but my pulse was high

Hi Chloe,

I grabbed a couple of things from your post that stood out to me. Do you suppose that the doctors tell you it's anxiety because it is?

The fact that your heart and BP are fine further reinforces that. Your pulse being up a bit can be attributed to white coat syndrome. I have a daughter a little older than you and she's currently getting therapy and on meds for anxiety so I do understand. The chances of you passing in your sleep are so infinitesimally small I don't think anyone would even venture to place a wager on that happening anytime soon ;)

Perhaps speaking to your GP about CBT or therapy would be something to consider.

Positive thoughts