View Full Version : At work, feeling really bad

09-04-14, 21:35
My anxiety has been really really bad for a couple of weeks, and right now I'm at work, I work evenings, and I feel terrible. I'm constantly on the verge of crying, and I've made so many mistakes today, I just feel like I can't concentrate properly. I just wondered how other people cope at work. I really don't want to get into the habit of calling in sick.

09-04-14, 22:43
Oscar I have been were you are ,If you feel you need to cry go outside if you can and have a good cry ,believe me there is no shame in that, when I have had a cry I always feel loads better its as if it releases my stress and as for making mistakes we all do we are human dont worry yourself hun ,just do what you can dont pressure yourself x

10-04-14, 09:33
Hi Oscar. It sounds to me like you have gotten yourself into a fear cycle at work. You are constantly in fear of feeling the way you do and constantly worrying about making mistakes or crying and it leads to perpetual anxiety. I was like this once and nearly ended quitting an amazing job. It was around that point that I decided enough was enough and began to piece my mind back together ready for an all out of assualt of 'I dont care' on my anxiety. I had been reading a few books and decided I wanted my life back. I am now 99% anxiety free and have had just one or two stress related relapse periods in the last month. That was actually what led me back to the forums. I remembered how powerful they can be in reassuring yourself.

As has been said, if you feel the need to cry then do it. Bottling up all the emotion will only put more pressure on yourself and further exhaust your mind. You need to let the tears go and let the pressure inside your mind wash away with them. One day you will look back on days like this and wonder what all the fuss was about.

10-04-14, 09:47
Just remember that when you feel anxious at work, this is a the time to take a breath and loosen up the tight hold on yourself. It will feel like something horrible will happen, but it won't. If you want this to go away then you have to go through these periods over and over until they no longer upset you so much. It's a gradual process and you cannot rush it. You will feel afraid, find it hard to concentrate etc but understand that all you need to do is absolutely nothing. Slow down and let go. Do not try and change the away you are feeling. This is just anxiety... Horrible, but harmless.

10-04-14, 10:35
Oscar I have been were you are ,If you feel you need to cry go outside if you can and have a good cry ,believe me there is no shame in that, when I have had a cry I always feel loads better its as if it releases my stress and as for making mistakes we all do we are human dont worry yourself hun ,just do what you can dont pressure yourself x

I so agree with this. Crying is a release. It makes me feel so much better afterwards. Just let the tears fall. x