View Full Version : worried its stomach cancer

10-04-14, 08:56
I'm starting to worry I have stomach cancer :(

For the last 3 years I have had upper abdominal pain acidic foods would irritate and hurt more. I went to the doctors in the beginning and they tried me on lanzoprazole which didn't help. They ended up saying that I should just watch what I eat which flares my symptoms up. So i did this for the past few years and found that taking ranitadine really helped.

The past 6 weeks I've had a really bad flare up so I went to the doctors and he put me on lanxoprazole again to see if it helps. It doesn't help and neither does the ranitadine anymore.

The doctor said he didn't think it had reached the stage of a stomach ulcer because he felt my tummy and it was fine. He told me that lanzoprazole would cure a stomach ulcer anyhow.

Now i'm worried that its not getting better because it's actually cancer thats been undiagnosed for 3 years. I read on the cancer research website that people diagnosed with stomach cancer have often had symptoms for years :(

10-04-14, 09:11
I know how you feel, I worried myself sick that I had stomach cancer over the last few weeks. I went on omeprazole and then nexium and neither helped. Ranitidine and rennies also didn't work, so I wasn't thinking same as you and that it must be cancer if those things not fixing it! I had an endoscopy done and no ulcer, no gastritis, and much to my relief no cancer! I'm not great example at the moment because I have now moved onto thinking it must be pancreas instead. But it just shows how you can be so sure you have something and then it turns out to be fine. There are so many benign and diet related things it could be. If you're really worried, then ask to be referred to a gastroenterolgist for some reassurance and once you have that, then to perhaps get you on some better meds or something that will help to relieve the symptoms. My gastroenterolgist said that if it was a cancer it would be more likely to have made me extremely sick and also have dark bloody stools etc. than just causing indigestion. Slippery elm bark powder or tablets can help to soothe the tummy as can aloe vera juice, could be worth a try.

10-04-14, 09:36
Thanks Aussie. If nothing was found in the endoscopy what did they say it was?

10-04-14, 10:14
He said as he didn't find anything he thought it could be down to stress/anxiety (and that's without me saying I've had anxiety - I obviously have it written all over me!). He thought that once I'd got the all clear from the tests he did that I would feel fine again - but unfortunately not. He said if it didn't to go and have bloods and scan done, which is what I've done, and doing again as I didn't trust first one (scan took 5 mins and didn't feel very thorough)...

10-04-14, 10:24
I can second the aloe vera juice for acid stomach problems, along with manuka honey. They've both helped me through gastritis flare ups.

Darren, stomach problems go hand in hand with anxiety. If you're stressed and anxious a lot then it can cause all kinds of problems with your digestion, including too much acidity like you're experiencing.

As well as looking at a good diet you also need to deal with your anxiety and reduce the stress, it will really help.

Drugs like lanzaparole need a couple of weeks to really start working. They need to be taken at a regular time and on an empty stomach about 30 mins before eating. If you stick to a good routine with them they should start to help.

If you're working hard on the stress reduction, watching your diet and taking your prescribed drugs correctly then you could always ask your doctor to see if there's any other reason for the stomach irritation. My own GP sent me for an endoscopy which showed gastritis, a stomach hernia and a h pylori infection - all of which were treatable :)

10-04-14, 13:09

Based on your history, it's highly likely this can be attributed to anxiety. The stronger PPI should do the trick. I was taking a Zantac 150 2x a day and still eating antacids. After being put on a prescription PPI, I've had no issues at all. Give it time to work and work on yourself ;)

Positive thoughts

10-04-14, 14:20
I think zantac works better for me to be honest - normally when i have these flare ups, i cut back on anything acidic like wine etc and it calms down but its just raging burning at the moment.

would a blood test show up stomach cancer of 3 years?

10-04-14, 14:48
Cancer doesn't rest. If indeed something sinister was going on, you'd be very sick or not posting at this point.

I've said this many times on the boards. Drinking and anxiety don't mix. It's a proven fact. To avoid issues with reflux and heartburn as well as anxiety flare ups, it's best to abstain.

Positive thoughts

10-04-14, 14:50
Im not actually suffering from that much anxiety at the moment to be honest. I find alcohol helps. I might have a diazapam later as i've still got some left. Which is a good job because my doctor suddenly stopped them.

10-04-14, 15:01
Im not actually suffering from that much anxiety at the moment to be honest. :huh: I find alcohol helps. :doh: :wall:

Positive thoughts

10-04-14, 15:02
Positive thoughts

haha lol My friends have nicknamed me michael jackson the amount of pills i take these days lol