View Full Version : So here I am again on this merry go round....worried about my pulse rate and heart

10-04-14, 09:34
I have just come out of a three month period of anxiety about my neck, which is now improving but I seem to now be going headlong into another period of worry.

With my neck problems I started to think about my overall fitness levels and weight and physio recommended I really took up some exercise seeing as I don't do any. I thought about it and decided that yes, now is the time to try and make myself healthy and do something positive.

I went to the gp about something else and she happened to take my pulse which appears to be 90 BPM at rest. This has now set me into a total panic. Everyone I mention this to says how high it is, the doctor said it was higher than she would expect for someone of my age etc so now I am in a panic about it.

I decided to start with some fitness routines at home, so got a book on pilates and it has a cardio and stretching workout for 20 minutes, so I thought I would start with this however I am now really worried about my heart going too fast.

I did the workout for the first time last night, but it seemed to take me a long time to recover afterwards and I could feel my heart pulsing through me. Then this morning I have had a small amount of pain in my left side of my chest. I now keep thinking I'm struggling to breathe but I am now unsure what is me worrying and what is real.

I appreciate that I haven't done any proper cardio for exercise for 20 years probably.

I am just so worried now that whilst I begin to do some exercise, I'm going to pass out and my heart will explode.

I don't know whether my pulse rate has got faster in recent years or what it has always been. My blood pressure is fine. I am 5ft 10 and weigh 71kg so my BMI is in the ok range I think, but I am just very unfit.

I want to carry on and try and get fit but I am just worried I will die doing so, does that sound irrational?????

Help :(

10-04-14, 10:41
Normal pulse is 60/70-100bpm. Yours is fine :)

10-04-14, 17:39
At rest means not having moved' sit down for ten mins and then take pulse for ten seconds then multiply by six, gives u pulse.
Between 60 and 100 can be normal, all depends on age and fitness.
Just walking in the doctors can lift It by 10 beats a min.

10-04-14, 22:31
Hiya, thanks x I am worried still.
So I did a bit more exercise this evening and then since them I've had more pains in my left chest. Now I think it might be angina? Is that a severe pain or a nagging one or just a dull ache? I have the latter but my tummy is also making lots of noises quite high up so I wonder if it is acid too...argh. Why is everything always such a mess :(

10-04-14, 23:08
My recent health anxiety was related to my heart. My symptoms have gone since taking medication for reflux. Your pain could be that or muscular. Of course if it got worse or changed you should get it checked but I am sure its fine. Your pulse is within normal range..I am very unfit so tends to be faster but it ranges anything from 60 to 100. I had to stop taking mine..it became an obsession!

Take Care x