View Full Version : Help groups in Glasgow

02-12-06, 15:15
Hi all

Ive suffered from GAD/PA for the part seven years, several years a ago i had CBT + ciltalopram and this worked really well i then came off the drugs and was still ok. Unfortunatley due to some problems ive started feeling anxious again. I know i can get over this without going on medication and speaking to someone will the same disorder as myself would really help, does anyone here know if there are any groups in the Glasgow area where i could speak to someone about this



04-12-06, 11:57
hi, i live in glasgow but i don't actually know of any help groups sorry

04-12-06, 13:13
According to this link, your nearest seems to be in East Kilbride which seems pretty poor for Britain's second biggest city!


Maybe be worth phoning No Panic who have a directory of such groups, or even ring your nearest mental health team as they may now.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers