View Full Version : Insomnia strikes again

Round in circles
10-04-14, 10:48
Last night was another bad night. I must have gotten two sleeps lasting an hour each. The rest of the night was spent trying all sorts of tricks to try and get to sleep. I was supposed to go for a skating lesson this afternoon but I've had to cancel as I'm so exhausted I can't even see straight. I guess I'm meant to stay up in the hope I can sleep tonight. I have no idea how I'll manage that.

So much stress.. I'm not coping at all, and mental health discharged me back to the GP so I'm on my own there. I'm falling apart on the inside so it's no wonder my sleep has been messed up this whole year so far. I get one, maybe two weeks of normal then it goes out. It's been getting worse and now it's full on insomnia again. I was trying to avoid getting here again. I had a really bad spell last year where I hardly slept in a month. I can't go back to that.

I just feel so worn out both mentally and physically. I know.. Lack of sleep can do that. It seems like no matter how tired I get, the off switch for consciousness just won't flip to off. Last year I'd be so tired I couldn't even open my eyelids and yet I couldn't drop off. I'm so worried I'm heading back there. I can't cope with this at all. I just want it to be normal. How can I get my life back when I can't sleep at the right time?

Sorry.. Mouth running because I'm so stressed. Just so, so tired.

10-04-14, 11:03
You poor thing. My daughter is going through the same thing right now. She didn't sleep until 5am and has woken up anxious. This is so hard and I don;t have any constructive advice to give because I'm still trying to work out how to help my daughter, but you have my love and support. x

Round in circles
10-04-14, 11:55
Thank you very much Autumn. I'm sorry to hear about your daughter having the same trouble too. I think the best thing is not to worry about not sleeping. That said.. I have no idea how to not do that when you're exhausted :( I hope both of us get a better sleep tonight. I'm going to do lots of relaxation again before bed to see if that helps. I wish I could take my cat to bed with me. He seems to release lots of negative ions when I stroke him that make me sleepy. The problem is, he sees my duvet and uses it as a trampoline!

10-04-14, 12:13
Round In Circles, sorry that you're having so much trouble sleeping. I went through a period like that years ago, and it truly is a terrible feeling. Not worrying about it is easier said than done but I did find that if I was having trouble sleeping, the best thing that I could do was not to fight it. Just get up out of the bed. I used to sit at my kitchen table and write for thirty minutes. Anything that came into my mind, never taking the pen from the paper. Even if I wrote over and over, "I'm so sick of writing". That seemed to help clear out my brain. I would also lay down to read a book on the couch and eventually fall asleep. Hope some of this manages to help you.