View Full Version : Breathing and falling asleep

10-04-14, 12:08
Hey there, this hadn't happened in ages but just happened me there now. I was having a little sleep and I woke up with a start with a feeling like I had forgotten to breathe. My heart was racing and it scared me. Has anyone else had this???

10-04-14, 15:29
Yes, it's happened to me. It happens to most people. Sometimes just the way you are laying cuts off the air. OR maybe you were holding your breath. Did you wake up panting? If not you were probably just holding your breath.

10-04-14, 16:49
This a VERY common thing for anxiety sufferers....ij fact probably every week some one posts about this.... you are absolutely fine.... this happens to me every time I take a nap and has done for many years...... I'm still here:)

10-04-14, 16:53
I agree with the others, nothing to worry about. It has happened to me many times.